MDZ in Chile: curfew and new street protests


The demonstrations do not stop in Chile. he Boss of the strength of National Defense in the region of ValparaísoJuan Andres of the massannounced the curfew in the region for today from 8pm to 6am.

After the messages of President Sebastián Piñera and the requests for peace, the demonstrations returned to the streets of the main districts of the country.

Valparaiso is the first region Chilean in which announce the measure for tonight

In Santiago, on the other hand, demonstrations also took place in different places, notably at Plaza Italia.

Events in Chile / Special Envoys of the MDZ

In your account Twitter, the Stewardship of the region of Valparaíso confirmed: CA Juan Andrés de la Maza, Chief of the National Defense Force of the region, confirms #Curfew from 8pm on Monday, October 21st until 6pm on Tuesday Tuesday for the entire Valparaíso region. "

Events in Chile / Special Envoys of the MDZ

In this way, the the inhabitants of the region they have to go home before 20 yearsand only "is exempt from this prohibition these situations of d & # 39; emergency involving the presence of the staff of fire department and public assistance healthas well as police and military, or other situations that deserve such an exception. "

MDZ in Chile

For its part, Jorge Martínez Durán, steward of Valpariso, called to "put an end to the irrational" and "not to give in to violence".

"People goodwho is the most, let's say enough to this state of permissiveness vis-à-vis the vandalism in the region of Valparaíso"Added the mayor, who urged the population to" not believe in this publish social networks which are mainly false information"

The events in Chile exploded last week by the government's decision to increase the price of the subway ticket for 800 at 830 Chilean pesos. The demonstrations radicalized while weekend with pity in the transport public and looting. At least eleven people have death and about a thousand were arrested.

Some metro stations were greatly affected during the events.

Pineapple said on Friday state of emergency and imposed the curfew Santiago and other cities For the moment, he reversed the controversial measure freezing the price of the metro ticket.

MDZ in Chile


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