Measles: The epidemiology of Córdoba recommends to the population to check his vaccination books | News instantly from


Against the warning issued by the Ministry of Health of the Nation, about two confirmed cases of indigenous measles in Buenos Aires; The area of ​​epidemiology of the province of Córdoba recalls the importance of having complete vaccination schedules and an early consultation of any symptom.

Up to now, no local case has been detected. In the meantime, it is recommended to all residents of the province to check whether they have applied doses of double or triple viral vaccine according to age. If this is not the case, they can approach the vaccinations to complete them.

It should be noted that children from 12 months to 4 years must receive a dose of triple viral vaccine, while children of five years must now prove two doses of double or triple viral vaccine. Those born before 1965 are considered immune and do not need to be vaccinated.

About Vaccination

These vaccinations are important when traveling to the affected countries, namely Venezuela, Brazil and some parts of Europe and Asia, among others.It is advisable to do prior medical consultation prior to traveling and to learn about the recommended vaccines for each destination.


Measles is an infection caused by a virus that affects only the human being. It is transmitted through the air and spreads easily when an infected person removes respiratory secretions when she is talking, coughing, sneezing or simply coming into contact with a contaminated object. It is extremely contagious and can cause serious complications, especially in children younger than one year old.

Its first symptoms appear between 8 and 12 days after the contraction of the infection and they present a high fever, runny nose, conjunctivitis and cough; small white patches on the inside of the cheek and a rash on the face and neck that extends to the rest of the body


For more information, people can consult the Immunization Program of the Ministry of Health of Córdoba, located in Rosario de Santa Fe 374, 2nd floor, former San Roque hospital. Or via the following communication channels:

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