Tuesday, November 27, 2018 20:14
On Friday, the national immunization campaign against measles, rubella and conbad rubella syndrome comes to an end and the province's health ministry is looking to expand coverage for children between the ages of 13 months and 4 years.
"The vacthe anointing will end on the 30th as stipulated. We work intensely. We are already vaccinating 92,000 children aged 13 months to 4 years. This week is intensely vaccinated in areas where we need people to take their children. We have, especially in the capital, the need of those who have not yet been vaccinated ", Dr. Ricardo Cortéz, Head of the Immunization Service of Siprosa,
The specialist explained that "in all campaigns, data on how coverage is badyzed. In this case, there are areas of the province where they have all been vaccinated and other areas where they practice activities such as home vaccinations or go to different educational institutions to attract these. last. "
He noted that about 16,000 children had still not received the dose. Given this panorama, he reiterated that they worked intensively in all parts of the province where children are symbolically sought after.
The capital, Villa Mariano Moreno, Tafí Viejo and Yerba Buena, Banda del Río Salí are the largest conglomerates in which the largest number of children to be vaccinatedsaid Cortéz, so they will continue to work in these regions to capture them.
The doctor said that "Even though they have all the vaccines applied, they must apply this extra dose because there is a group of children who do not respond to the first dose and who can catch measles. "
He also reminded himself that Vaccination is mandatory, He does not need a medical order and they can get vaccinated, get vaccinated or go to the hospital in the province.
Cortez said that once the campaign is over, the areas in which doses remain to be used exclusively in these cases will be badyzed.
Source: https://lv12.com.ar/nota/50669/finaliza-la-campana-de-vacunacion-contra-el-sarampion-y-todavia-hay-16-mil-ninos-sin-la-dose
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