Meat consumption decreased by almost 7% in April


During the first four months, apparent per capita consumption was 51 kilos / capita / year, a decrease of 10.8% compared to the average January-April 2018.

As well, women's participation in total slaughter reached 52.5% of the total. "If we compare cow slaughter between July 2018 and April 2019 compared to the same months of 2017/2018, we found that 405,946 cows were slaughtered more than a year ago," said the Chamber. , adding that "this data indicates that we will have fewer calves by 2020". , which will be exacerbated by the high percentage of pregnant cows sent to the slaughterhouse.

It should be remembered that when the slaughter of women exceeds 45% of the total, it has entered a settlement period, while if the participation is less than 43%, a retention period is exceeded.

The production

The Beef production dropped to 246,000 tons of bone (t / r / h) in AprilThis implies a slight decrease due to the reduction in the number of slaughtered heads.

According to the report, baduming an export volume equivalent to 50 000 tonnes r / c / h, they would have thrown around 196 000 t / c / h on the domestic market. This figure allows us to calculate the per capita apparent consumption in April, which would have reached 52.8 kg / inhabitant / year.

At the same time, in the first quarter of the year, the volume produced amounted to 954,000 tonnes r / c / h of beef and was 4.1% lower than the one recorded during the same period last year. 2018. At the same time, they were sent to the market. 756,200 t / h / hr in the first third of the year, 10.8% less than in the same four-month period of 2018.

In the first quarter, the 4,216 million hacienda heads were slaughtered in meat refrigerators, a decrease of 3.9% compared to January-April 2018. In absolute terms, slaughter was reduced by 170,400 head between the two periods.

In the fourth month, 1.09 million head of cattle were slaughtered. The implementation of the new typification of the hacienda sent to work has, in this sense, led to important changes in the breakdown by category.thus breaking the historical series by category, which resulted in a significant increase in women's participation in total slaughter, which reached 52.5% in April.

The disappearance of the calf category was more than offset by the higher relative weight of the heifers.

The Cattle slaughter reached 254,000 in April, up 21.4% from April 2018 (+50,400 head) and accounted for 23.4% of total slaughter. Its importance has remained stable compared to the two previous months (February-March 19).

For its part, the number of slaughtered heifers rose to 314.8 thousand head in April, an increase of 139.2% (+183.2 thousand head) and the equivalent of 28.9% in Total slaughter. When absorbing calves, their relative importance increased by 17 percentage points compared to April of last year.

In the case of males, the category of cattle was the one that increased the most, absorbing calves, MEJ and lighter steers. In total, 371.7 thousand head were slaughtered in the fourth month of the year, 49.2% more than a year ago (+122,500 people) and 34.2% of the total. total number shot (+ 11.5 percentage points)).

On the other hand, the category of the bulls registered a fall of 44,8% per year (-102,7 thousand heads), to reach 126,300 thousand heads in April. Its importance in the total fell to 11.6% (-9.2 percentage points in the annual comparison).


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