Medical cannabis: the "miraculous" oil is already a daily demand in medical consultations – 31/03/2019


"I did not want to know anything, I did not know anything about this world and it scared me, but my grandchildren insisted with which I could relieve the pain. "Adrián is 78 years old, a fibromyalgia, an atritis and chronic pain that both pathologies print on his body: he has been consuming cannabis oil for seven months: four drops in the morning and four more in the evening. "My grandchildren have already taught me to buy it for the Free Mercado and they will find it for me: I pay 2,500 pesos per bottle and I will continue to buy it because my body is it hurts less and makes me feel better. " All this improves my state of mind. to be another, "says Adrián.He is one of the many users who have incorporated the use of cannabis in their treatments: Doctors claim that this increase is exponential.

Alvaro Saurí heads the Palliative Care Service of the Angel H. Roffo Institute of Oncology, which reports to the UBA, and reports on this growth. "Patient surveys that want to know if cannabis can accompany their treatment they have been multiplied by ten since the adoption of the law in March 2017. From that moment, between 15 and 20% of our patients told us that they were already using cannabis oil and they asked for our help. At the same time, today, out of ten patients, five ask questions about the possibility of such use, "says the doctor.

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Patricia is 63 years old and has been diagnosing Parkinson's since she was 52 years old. "I decided to ask the neurologist at the same time that Congress pbaded the law, before it appeared too taboo He explained that for my pathology, treatment was not considered, but that it could accompany me in my attempt to use cannabis to improve my health, "he recalls .

The law provides for research and production of cannabis for medical purposes Reserved for patients with refractory epilepsy, although the derivatives of the plant are used in those who have been diagnosed, among other pathologies, cancer, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, osteoarthritis, arthritis, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy or autism.

"I looked for oil online and bought a dropper: the tremors were reduced almost totally and I was able to recover muscle tone. I have recovered the opportunity to do activities that I had suspended. The neurologist helped me to establish the dose. I have been using cannabis for a year, I buy it constantly for Mercado Libre: a dropper of 2,800 pesos lasts two months, "adds Patricia, and warns:" It's strange a dropper that I do not know, or where it comes from or what it hasbut do not suffer from tremors is a change that has nothing, and I do not notice any side effects when using the oil. I do not dare to cultivate myself, I think it would go wrong and I'm a little afraid of having a plant at my house because he is always punished. This solves the problem more easily for me. "

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Omar (his real name) produces and sells cannabis oil. He does not publish droppers in Mercado Libre: he only sells to acquaintances. "Multiplied request: A year ago, a person asked me for two bottles every three months and now, he asks me between five and seven years old. That's because they started taking elderly people from their families to treat different ailments and pains, "he explains:" He charges 1,500 pesos – sometimes in installments – for every bottle of 30 milliliters. "Many people manage the oil for grandparents or parents who, for example, suffers from osteoarthritis, Parkinson's disease, trigeminal neuralgia or chronic pain of all kinds," described -he.

Inés (also prefers to hide his identity) also produces and sells oil: "The sanction of the law triggered the demand: It has increased by 400%. People who are not encouraged are encouraged: they try and their symptoms tend to improve, then they maintain the cannabis treatment, "he says, selling a bottle of 30 milliliters to 1,600 pesos. " In general, they buy me to look after children with epilepsy. , autism or cerebral palsy, or for older people with osteoarthritis, arthritis, fibromyalgia, cancer or Parkinson's ", adds and adds:" It is also used by adults to fight anxiety disorders and migraines ".

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"It's important to see what contains the oil that patients consume: we have established a link with the chair of toxicology of the National University of La Plata and sent samples of the oil that the patients bring us to badyze them ", describes Saurí: the results make it possible to know the purity and composition of the oil, and to determine the Doses and possible drug interactions already consumed by the patient To determine if the cannabis works well, the oncologists of the Roffo Institute they check if the appetite increases, the nausea decrease, the rest improves and the pain is relieved.

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At the same time, the state of mind of these patients is monitored at the institute. "The fact that patients came to tell us that they were already using oil that once the law allowed them to feel better" protected "realizes medical use of cannabis must be removed from the police. install it in the field of science and medicine"Saurí thinks: When a patient proposes to incorporate cannabis into their treatment, if it is viable, Saurí urges them to contact a specialized civil organization.

Lawyer Ana María Nicora is head of the NGO Cannabis Medicinal Argentina (CaMeDa). There, according to the account, they arrive between 50 and 100 daily consultations"In the last few years, we have mainly consulted elderly people, especially octogenarians, who want to feel less pain, and friends, children, nephews and grandchildren have generally told them that was possible to be treated with cannabis ". According to Nicora, "the consultations will consist in finding a quality oil or badyzing the oil bought on the Internet, in which case it is indicated to the universities that can carry out a chemical badysis of the liquid".

The NGO Mama Cultiva, who was born among mothers who opted for cultivation – illegal – to improve the quality of life of their children, also explains the increased interest and use of the plant for therapeutic treatments. "Until a year ago, mothers and fathers abound in workshops in which they teach how to grow the plant. It was filled with tall people who want to grow their own plant treat their pathology: they are already more than half, "says Valeria Salech, president of the organization.

"My wife has Parkinson's 18 years ago, but the earthquake began 5 years ago: her quality of life has deteriorated a lot." My niece has heard an interview of Dr. Marcelo Morante, one of the pioneers of the investigation on the use of cannabis for medical purposes in Argentina. Another of his patients helped me access the oil: the third day of use, my wife had recovered his way of smilinghe felt much better and was less shaking, "says Enrique Gallo Calderón, 70.

Eva has Parkinson's disease and cannabis oil minimizes tremors. Enrique has a suppurative hidradenitis and relieves her symptoms with cannabis ointment. // Emmanuel Fernández

Eva has Parkinson's disease and cannabis oil minimizes tremors. Enrique has a suppurative hidradenitis and relieves her symptoms with cannabis ointment. // Emmanuel Fernández

"We went to Mama Cultiva's workshops and watched some tutorials: I learned how to cultivate and do it not only to prepare oil for my wife, but also to treat my suppurative hidradenitis, a skin disease.I prepare oil for other people, neighbors and acquaintances were contacted.I had twelve factories: if they found them, I entered like a horse, but that does not interest me. It's the quality of life of my wife, my friends and my friends. "On one page, he noted the pathologies of people to whom he distributes oil for medicinal use: that's what he intends to show if he has to deal with a burglary

Local production of oil and ointment of cannabis. // Emmanuel Fernández

Local production of oil and ointment of cannabis. // Emmanuel Fernández

Silvia is 57 years old and manufactures cream, oil and tincture of cannabis. With these products, he treats his pathologies: Sjögren's syndrome and polyneuropathy of extremities. Both conditions cause pain, loss of sensation and atrophy of the hands and feet, which prevents them from moving at the same time. "It's disabling," he says, and then, "I was treated with corticosteroids and morphine derivatives, which completely threw me in the trash. My son insisted I try cannabis oil. I was going but no one has answered me, until, through a well-known dialogue with a specialist: two years ago, he charged me 3,000 pesos for a consultation and a dropper, "he said. recalls. " I immediately felt the effects, but it was impossible to maintain these consulting and oil costs economically, as well I did research in workshops and online and learned how to manufacture my oil, my cream and my dye. "Since he has been using cannabis, he has stopped using morphine derivatives and has reduced the use of corticosteroids and psychiatric medications.

Silvia uses cannabis to fight the pathologies that cause pain in her legs and arms and prevent her from moving: she produces oil, cream and dye. // Lucía Merle

Silvia uses cannabis to fight the pathologies that cause pain in her legs and arms and prevent her from moving: she produces oil, cream and dye. // Lucía Merle

Alejandro Andersson is a neurologist specializing in endocannabinology: he mainly cares for people with epilepsy, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. "At least one in five patients ask me if they can use cannabis in its treatment: it is a therapeutic tool more and more requested. This demand has multiplied after the law, before it is very low, "he says.Many of my patients buy the oil by themselves but the accompaniment involves indicating the dose and controlling the effectiveness of this treatment, "he adds.

"Four in ten patients are interested in the medical use of cannabis: one tells you that this has already been put in place and that it requires accompaniment, and three others are asking for it. They can integrate it into their treatment, "says neurosurgeon Pablo Aguilera, and evaluates the phenomenon Over time:" A year ago, only two out of ten had consulted, only one of them. " did so with fear and none of them could buy oil and try. Since the law was pbaded, patients they approach with less fear and less prejudice: "This is particularly noticeable in older people who wish to calm the pain badociated with arthritis, fibromyalgia or different hernias." In general, I try to contact a specialized agency because, as in all areas, it may exist at Mercado Libre Chantas, "says the doctor.

"Right now, what is happening in other parts of the world is happening in Argentina: the medical use of cannabis is increasing exponentially. I do not have any more patients who do not consult me about the possibility of using plant derivatives for their treatments. The only way to provide a sure answer to this request is that the state invests resources in which it is the subject of an investigation and is produced, as provided in the law, "says Silvia Kochen, neurologist and researcher at Conicet.

The law was promulgated in March 2017 and partially regulated one semester later: until now, it was just beginning. a clinical trial at Garrahan Hospital. In October 2018, the national government allocated less than 1,000 pesos a day to the program to investigate the medical use of cannabis and produce it for this purpose.

Latest scientific discoveries on medicinal cannabis

Preliminary results from a study that will be formally presented at the next annual meeting of the American Academy of Neurology, to be held in May in Philadelphia, show that the medical use of cannabis can relieve elderly people with chronic pain, sleep disorders or anxiety as a consequence of symptoms such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Parkinson's disease, neuropathy and multiple sclerosis, among others.

According to the agency Europa Press, the study established that the medical use of cannabis can be effective and safe, and found that one-third of the people who participated in the trial Clinic have reduced their consumption of opioids. A study conducted at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that 80% of seniors have at least one chronic health problem.

The trial involved 204 people, whose average age is 81 years old. For four months, they consumed cannabis extracts rich in tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) and were reviewed regularly. Initially, 34% of participants had side effects: after a dose adjustment, that it has been reduced to 21% some participants. The most common side effects were drowsiness, balance problems and gastrointestinal disturbances. Only 3% of participants stopped using cannabis for medical purposes because of side effects.

The researchers found that 69% of participants felt relief from symptoms. Pain was the main cause of pain improvement: 49% felt relief, sleep symptoms, 18%, neuropathy, which improved by 15% and anxiety has been reduced by 15%. 10 percent.



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