Meet "Bigfoot", the biggest dino foot in the world


A team of international scientists determined that the foot of a dinosario found twenty years ago in the US state of Wyoming is the largest to the world discovered so far. ] With nearly one meter in width, it's the largest discovery ever known, said the group of German, Swiss and American researchers who signed the study published today by the specialized magazine " PeerJ ".

" Bigfoot " (Bigfoot, in Spanish) is the name with which they named this giant dinosaur as the experts, after studying their metatarsal, consider a close relative of the brachiosaurus, the famous giant reptile who conquered the big screen in the nineties with the movie "Jurbadic Park".

Brachyiosaurs, with brontosaurus and diplodocus, are among the largest terrestrial animals that have lived on the planet through history, only surpbaded by Argentinosaurus or Patagonia Mayorum both about 40 meters long and weighing between 70 and 90 tonnes

According to the measurements made, "Bigfoot" would have had one At least ten meters high and weighed between 30 and 40 tons

Anthony Maltese, lead author of the study, unearthed the giant foot with fellow companions in 1998. He immediately realized that the piece found He belonged to a very large animal, a he explained.

His intuition, however, did not exempt him from starting a detailed study that included the use of a three-dimensional scanner and a meticulous comparison with the feet of the patient. Other sauropods that allowed him to come to the conclusion that he is the highest size found

The investigation also revealed that brachyiosaurs inhabited a gigantic area between 39, 39, and 39 East of Utah and NW Wyoming 150 million years ago. "It is surprising, many other sauropods were living at that time in much smaller areas" explains the Swiss paleontologist Emanuel Tschopp.

Scientists hope to find more remains on the cliffs where "Bigfoot" was extinguished millions of years ago. There, paleontologists have already discovered "fantastic dinosaur skeletons" says Maltese

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