Meet the payment schedule of the state


The calendar will start on Monday and end on Thursday.

The Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure said that Neuquén State employees will receive their salaries on Monday 1, Wednesday 3 and Thursday 4 April.

March wage payment schedule will start on Monday 1st with the retired and retired segment of the Neuquén Social Security Institute (ISSN); continue on Wednesday 3 with payment to the central administration and the decentralized agencies; and it will end on Thursday 4 by the payment to the dependent agents of the Provincial Council of Education (CPE).

The calendar will be interrupted on Tuesday, April 2 because of the National Day commemorating Veterans Day and the victims of the Falklands War.

Salaries will be automatically credited to the savings banks of the Banco Provincia del Neuquén (BPN) and will be available at all branches of this banking entity, both in the capital Neuquén and inland.


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