Meeting between Pope and Avruj: "You have managed to gather everyone, it's a miracle," said Francisco


The official held today a meeting with the pope

ROME.- "You have managed to gather everyone, it is a miracle". With these words, he received today the

dad Francisco

to the Secretary for Human Rights and Argentine Cultural Pluralism,

Claudio Avruj

, who led a delegation of leaders from 45 collectives who saluted the former Archbishop of Buenos Aires at the end of Wednesday's traditional audience.

The Argentine delegation, visible in the hall Paul VI with a large albiceleste flag, pronounced to the Pope, during the brief greeting, the declaration "Argentina, Mosaic of Identities", text signed by the Secretariat and the Argentine Federation of Communities and the Observatoire des collectivités. The declaration aims to promote the rights of migrants, collectives and refugees and to continue making progress in intercultural and interreligious dialogue that identifies Argentina as a country fighting against all types of hatred and discrimination, said the Secretariat for Human Rights in a statement.

Francisco also received from the hands of Claudio Avruj the "National Action Plan for Human Rights", which inspired the development of said statement.

Pope Francisco with Claudio Avruj, Secretary for Human Rights and Argentinian Cultural Pluralism
Pope Francisco with Claudio Avruj, Secretary for Human Rights and Argentinian Cultural Pluralism

"It is an immense honor to have been able to integrate as a Secretary of Human Rights of the Nation this delegation of community leaders, composed of Syrian refugees, Colombians, Venezuelans and international organizations such as the IOM and UNHCR, and to hold this meeting with the pope, "he said. the secretary for human rights and cultural pluralism of the nation.

"This trip is historic and unique, because there is no record of a similar experience, it is a joint initiative of the Observatory of Communities and the Federation of Argentine Communities." world this model of coexistence and dialogue that exercise our country, "he added. "With the transcendental events of today, we confirm that the path of dialogue is the only way to achieve peaceful coexistence and we reaffirm our status as a country with open doors to the world, a brand that has characterized Argentina for a long time, "he concluded. .


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