Meghan Markle said she was silenced after joining the royal family and revealed she was having suicidal thoughts


Meghan revealed she was having suicidal thoughts

When American actress Meghan Markle married Prince Harry in 2018, it was interpreted by many as a sign of openness and diversity for the British royal family, a kind of new era … But this fairy tale turned sour, with the couple’s troubled relationship with the royals and the press.

However, even though the inmates were known, in January 2020 Harry and Meghan surprised Buckingham Palace – and the world – by announcing their withdrawal from royalty, which was immediately dubbed ‘Megxit’ by the press. After a year of dead end, a real return was not excluded, but Today’s explosive interview with Oprah Winfrey on CBS destroyed all possibility: The Queen, outraged by the exposure on American television, ordered the couple to relinquish all their honorary titles and patronages after confirming that they would not return as active members of royalty.

Meghan Markle started the interview alone, at the presenter. And in the first few minutes, she already revealed that she was “naive”, that she “had never researched Harry before meeting him” and that the only thing she knew about royalty was this which is told in fairy tales. The day I met the Queen, I didn’t know I had to bow, ”he said.

The Duchess detailed the exact moment she met Queen Isabell

As detailed, the meeting was spontaneous, it occurred after Queen Elizabeth II attended a church service. At that moment Harry told him he would meet the Queen and asked him if he knew how to behave in front of her. “I was surprised, I didn’t know I had to bow,” he insisted. “I practiced a bit in the car, I really leaned over, and then we sat there and chatted, and it was nice and easy,” he said with a laugh.

Meghan and Harry, the secret wedding

Oprah reminded Meghan of everything that was said in the press in the days leading up to the wedding, a wedding which, according to the interviewee herself, “was never her day, as they had a private ceremony. and secret three days before “. Incisive, he went straight to the most conflicting point: his relationship with Kate Middleton, William’s wife. “We said you made him cry,” the host asked him. “It was exactly the opposite,” Meghan defended. “Didn’t you make Kate cry, did she make you cry?” Asked the driver. “Yes,” she replied.

Meghan Markle opened up about the day Kate Middleton made her cry

Meghan detailed the episode and assured that she had not revealed it to “discredit” Kate, because “she apologized, brought me flowers and took responsibility for it”, but so that it was clear, “because everyone in the palace knew the truth” and not they stood up for it.

“I don’t know how they think that after all this time we will remain silent if the monarchy perpetuates lies about us and if we run the risk of losing things. Well, we’ve lost enough, ”said Meghan angrily. And I add: “It’s really liberating to have the right and the privilege, in a way, to say yes, I’m ready to speak.”

The Duchess repeated several times during the interview that “they were not protecting” either her or her husband. “I have never felt so lonely,” she accused. And she detailed, still hurt, how traumatic the end of her pregnancy was: “During the last months of my pregnancy, they told me that our son was not going to have security. Since they weren’t going to give him the title of prince, they didn’t give him security. But we hadn’t created this monstrous machine around us, I needed to be sure, ”he complained.

Oprah, surprised, asked how they explained that Archie, Harry’s son, was not going to be a prince. An outraged Meghan insisted: “The first member of the royal family of color was not given a title. And we said it was our decision, but it was not ”.

“Do you think it was because of his race?” Asked the presenter. “I’ll give an honest answer: During all those months they were talking to us about whether he would graduate, they were also talking about the color of his skin,” Meghan revealed. The Duchess did not say who said that sentence. “It would be very harmful for them,” he added.

The shocking revelation about Archie

“Growing up as a woman of color, or as a girl of color, I know how important representation is,” she accused.

Meghan, who has repeatedly said she was “silenced” when she joined the royal family also revealed that during this time she had lived through the worst times of her life, with thoughts of suicide. “I just didn’t want to stay alive. And it was a very real, clear, scary, constant thought. “

After the shocking revelation from the Duchess about how the pressure affected her psychologically, Harry joined the meeting with Oprah and managed to defuse the conversation for the moment. He revealed that they will have a daughter. In addition, she assured that she would be the last member of the family. “Two kids, that’s it,” he says.

As well as sharing his joy at the young girl’s arrival in the family, the prince reaffirmed that walking away was painful but the right thing to do. We left (UK and royalty) because they didn’t support us, they didn’t understand us, ”Harry said, referring to his family and the press.

“I was trapped but I didn’t know I was trapped. I was trapped in the system, just like the rest of my family. My father, my brother are trapped in this life and cannot get out of it, ”he said, holding his wife’s hand.

In fact, he compared his situation to that of his mother, Princess Diana: “I’m really relieved and happy to be sitting here talking to you with my wife next to me. Because I can’t even begin to imagine what it must have been like for her (Lady Di) to go through this process alone. All those years ago. Because it’s been incredibly difficult for both of us, but at least we got to know each other. “

Princess Diana was killed in a car crash in Paris in 1997 following a high-speed chase involving photographers. This experience left Harry with a permanent animosity towards the British press. He and Meghan have both sued the tabloid press, and in a recent interview with James Corden, Harry cited the relentless media intrusion as one of the main reasons the couple decided to move to Montecito, in California.

Harry said that one of the things he wanted to focus on now is rebuilding his bond with his father. He revealed that he felt disappointed and that even when the couple lived in Canada, Carlos has stopped answering his calls. Now he ensured they were talking and even having zoomed video calls so he could see Archie. The prince also revealed that Queen Elizabeth also sees the little boy in zoom.

About his relationship with William, Harry was more elliptical. She affirmed that she loves him but that they are separated, that they separate. And after Meghan’s revelations about the episode with Kate, there doesn’t seem to be any chance of early family reunification …

The CBS interview aired for Prince Felipe, 99, remains hospitalized after heart surgery. The Sussexes’ willingness to move forward with the show, interpreted as a great challenge in a painful context, further infuriated Queen Elizabeth. However, the royal family has a long history of talkative talks that have resonated for years. In 1994, Prince Charles confessed that he had cheated on Diana. A year later, Diana told an interviewer, “There were three of us in this marriage.” And in 2019, Prince Andrew’s clumsy defense of his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein, the deceased sexual predator and pedophile, helped send Andrew into exile from public life.

Lady Di: “There were three of us in the wedding, it was a bit crowded”

What will happen now with Harry and Meghan? In the UK, the possibility of stripping the couple of their noble titles is already under discussion and even the breaking of all agreements with them is being assessed … The interview with Oprah could become the real point. of no return for Susssex.


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle announce they are having a baby girl
The day Kate Middleton made Meghan Markle cry
Former Dukes of Sussex ?: Meghan Markle and Prince Harry could lose royal titles due to interview with Oprah
Queen Elizabeth’s counterattack plan after explosive Harry and Meghan interview

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