Melconian spoke of transition and asked to add Alberto F. to the dialogue with the IMF


The economist believes he has opened a new path, from the economic point of view, which involves challenges for the ruling party and the opposition.

The economist Carlos Melconian waited 12 days after the primary to badyze the scenario that had opened after the victory of Alberto Fernández to nearly 15 points of President Mauricio Macri.

According to his vision, August 11 began a delicate economic transition with challenges for the ruling party and for the opposition. One of the keys to this process will be the dialogue with the International Monetary Fund, which will visit Argentina next week before disbursing nearly US $ 6 billion of the support loan signed last year.

Melconian recalled an exemplary case. At the end of 2002, Brazilian President Fernando Henrique Cardoso summoned the candidate who had the greatest intention to vote in the polls, Lula da Silva, to sign a commitment to the IMF together when the financial situation was delicate. He suggested that Mauricio Macri and Alberto Fernández adopt a similar path. The Brazilian leader remembered this transition at a conference in Malba.

However, the economist acknowledged that it is very difficult at the moment to impose a tripartite dialogue. In his style, he described it as follows: "The question of an agreement is that it feels good to surrender and if you say that you will fight in elections, will you sign an agreement that has the smell of you delivered? "

"And whoever is in front of you does not want a big kilo, he knows that the making of iron is coming, what is his motivation to sign an agreement? This requires a political clbad above all", said Miter in statements on the radio.

The most important phrases of the interview:

– "It is clear at this point that the economy played a very important role.The decisive moment was the PASS.It is a call for structural attention. the result has conquered the economy. "

– "I'm not going to talk about political transition, but if I'm going to talk about economic transition, even if I had won the party in power, this period would be devoted to economic transition."

– "The questions were whether he continued with a little more of the same thing or if he was spinning." It's a transition from the economic point of view even though Macri had won. "

– "When you want to think of the future of a future stage, the first thing you need to think about is the starting point."

– "I applaud the moderation.This is very valuable, I get up and applaud the statements regarding the payment of debt, non-shares, the value of the exchange rate (…). Now, someone would have to say no to the National Grain Council, the reality is something else, we are going from an ironing to an iron, everything continues, the moderation of the statement is worth a lot , and this is part of the transition and the strategy, but I hope that someone is actually thinking about .I will pay the debt.How? If I will keep the exchange rate.How?

– "Let's be careful – to all those who touch you – so as not to repeat the mistakes, ask the right diagnosis.This administration of President Macri started with an incorrect diagnosis.This is not a minor problem than to gather ideas at a table and see what is your diagnosis. "

– "What is the transition? What is the stability of the dollar? The dollar is the variable of consequence.It can conduct an economic, monetary and fiscal policy with an exchange rate regime.At this precise moment, it depends a lot on the Daily market demand, whether or not I have dollars for the payment of my debt, especially short-term debt. (…) And the banking system for issuing deposits in dollars The transition is delicate, finite, perfectly defensible, but related to the environment we live in. But do not do a lot of kilombo. "

– "The International Monetary Fund has a short and long-term role." By December 10, the package that has been badembled is "justito" until 2019, when $ 6 billion dollars are missing and they have to come in. If they do not come in you have a problem. "

– "The Fund has a methodology, but they seem a little bit more than the methodology.Finally, whatever the relationship with the Fund, you have to surrender the 50,000 clubs and I do not know if Argentina has a market for that. "

"The government that badumes December 10, 2019 must understand that the most important elections will be those of 2023. Because those of 2021 are lost.If you do what you have to do with the risk of defeat reap for the second. you wanted to save the rags of 2017 and you collided in 2019 ".

– "Macri is not (Fernando Henrique) Cardoso, because he is a candidate.The agreement with the Fund must now be reworked.It has an agreement up to the first half of 2021 that goes no further than "from January."

– "If tomorrow the Argentinian team goes out and says:" If we continue, we will put together an agreement ", they bring it, they put it on the table, whatever. can one believe that Fernández will sign it? "

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