Melconian: "The exchange rate was not triggered by an international event"


The economist Carlos Melconian former president of Banco Nación, again badyzes the progress of the economy in the management of Cambiemos and, true to his style, leaves several resonant phrases, in which he mixes criticism and praise

"The diagnosis was wrong and the tools used from the diagnosis were also defined as having gradually solved the problem to a dynamic that the markets have not fully accepted." I do not agree " says Melconian, adviser to the years of Mauricio Macri in economic matters.He insisted: " There was a bad diagnosis, a fiscal policy and a monetary policy that I no longer say if they were correct or incorrect, they were asymmetrical, with inflation impossible for this fiscal deficit. "

The interview that gave to the channel A24, Melconian baderted that" the ability to solve things was overestimated, the president's figure, the rain of dollars, the second half and the ability to get low inflation. "

" As he left the stock and the dollar has not spiraled , it was called a successful exit, it came out and the dollar went to parallel, which we applauded standing, but our central theme was not, but the Argentina continues to be a country with significant savings in dollars, expenses lifted for tourism and a very serious problem in exports " he badysis.

In addition, he insisted with his qualification of "velociraptors" to refer to Lebac which he considered as "a harmful instrument". "The day they wake up, we are fried," he concludes.

"Even if the bullfight has not been triggered by an international event, once you understand the world, it helps, and there is a quiet world. After the phenomenon began to develop in Argentina, the world became more complex. The rate of interest in the world was a lot of time in advance (…) The fight with the dollar is a fight that you can C is Plan B, Plan A was l & # 39; "Original and failed," said Melconian.

He also recalled: "As president of Banco Nación, I refused to have a mortgage loan related to it. inflation. they had an important connection, from the first moment to all who I could say that I told them that it was a country that had to defeat inflation first. "

Faced with the second half of this year, Melconian reiterated his culinary prediction: " Pechuguita con calabaza & # 39; it's a title that shows with all the letters what will happen. Even the president has said. We may have differences, but I think it's common knowledge. & # 39; Pechuguita y calabaza & # 39; is the menu of the hospital. I hope that there will be no need for applesauce. "

Regarding the exchange rate, he said:" The dollar in its relationship with the peso has a value that will one day find what the economic team did not want to do. The dollar is the one that adjusts, it is put in a number that ends up being the balance. When there is a change control, this function makes it parallel. Otherwise, the free dollar. "

On the other hand, he mentioned the agreement with the IMF:" The agreement with the Fund imposes a great deal of realism. We discussed the diagnosis, the instruments … The reality came and took over. The dollar will go from here according to what economic policy does. He will not ask permission to stay or go ahead. This is the variable that results from what you do and how you do it. "

" The Fund has a traditional hospital menu. The bottom is béchau with pumpkin puree. It's a bath of reality. If I put the money necessary to walk there, it is not theirs to go to the sewer. He added, "The Fund is not an institute dedicated to development and growth. This is a redirection of detours against money. Here. The variables were unstable, you put and oriented. Does growth and development come from this? Absolutely not. But I did not tell you that there will be a piglet in the oven, I told you, "Pechuguita" with a pumpkin. Then, if you come out, the cooked pig is your subject. "

Finally, he badyzed:" I'm worried, but no more than what was long ago in terms of where we arrived. The road that remains is not only difficult for the ruling party. There is already a four-year historical cycle. I've always imagined these years as a transition to the top, and ends up being complicated. "

And concluded:" In the economic realm, it has been interpreted that having a person with some function was a super-master, so all these things The markets want to see. But when you have verbal differences, they want to see more than before to see who's right. "

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