Melting glacier in Norway unleashed Viking treasures 500 years ago


A group of archaeologists have discovered than a wooden box of 500 years, found for the first time in 2019 when the glacier Lendbreen, at Norway. The box contains the remains of a beeswax candle, with which the vikings they helped each other find their farms at night. In addition, they found other treasures after the thaw.

The team suggests that the object was used to carry the long candles used by the Vikings to light the path between their farm. main and the farm summer.

Nearly 70 arrows, textiles and reindeer bones were also found in the melting glacier on the side of a mountain in Jotunheimen, 400 kilometers from Oslo. (Photo: Glacial archeology)

The Lendbreen Glacier has become a popular destination for archaeologists since 2011, when they discovered thousands of artifacts protruding from the melting Norwegian ice.

According to an analysis published in The history blogAt first, the team believed that what they found was not a treasure chest, but rather a container where gunpowder was stored. “It has a radiocarbon date of 1475-1635 cc, so he has between 400 and 500 yearsGlacial archaeologists from the Secretos del Hielo team explained in a statement.

“The contents of the box were analyzed at the Museum of Cultural History of Oslo, and a big surprise awaited us: the content was beeswax, coming from a candle, ”they added.

Candle boxes were a common item among the Vikings that served to store, precisely, expensive candles of beeswax for when these men they travelled at different farms.

But that’s not all, since in the melting of the glacier almost 70 arrows, textiles and reindeer bones on the mountainside in Jotunheimen, about 400 kilometers from Oslo.

In addition, the researchers found a “booty” of more than 100 artifacts, which include horseshoes, a cane, a wooden needle, a mitten and a small iron knife.

The archaeologist Regula Gubler explained to AFP that “ within 20 years, these finds and glaciers will disappear. ” “Materials such as leather, wood, birch bark and textiles can be destroyed by erosion, but the only reason they were kept for a long time it’s because of the ice», He concluded.


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