Members of the Argentine brigade could go to Brazil to fight the Amazon fire | Chronic


Argentina has made available to Brazil about 200 members of the brigade with their equipment to fight fires in the Amazon, following a phone call between the president and the president. Mauricio Macri and the head of state of this country, Jair Bolsonaro, Reported the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In a statement, the Foreign Ministry said Macri "contacted Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro on Thursday, 22, to offer support and badistance in the face of the severe environmental situation caused by fires in the Amazon region. "

I read AS WELL: Brazil: Bolsonaro spoke about fires in the Amazon by the national chain

In this regard, he argued that Argentina had made available "about 200 members of the brigade with their teams"and declared to belong to the National System of Integrated Risk Management (SINAGIR).

The decision, said the official press release, responds to "That they can help fight fires and provide any other help deemed necessary by the Brazilian authorities."

He also said that Brazil's requests for badistance "They are coordinated jointly by the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs and SINAGIR."


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