Memocan, the squirrel rescued by a jeweler and become a security guard


Memocan bites people who dare to enter the cash register

Security cameras, bulletproof windows and alarms are often among the devices that protect jewelry stores to prevent theft. However, in Turkey there is a place with an eye-catching guard at the cash register: his name is Memocan and is a chipmunk.

The story of the most famous animal in the city of Diyarbakir began when Mehmet Yuksel, the owner of the business, was walking in a forest and came across the injured squirrel. Without hesitation, he saved her.

Mehmet Yuksel with Memocan at the jewelry store. (Photo: video capture)

While her wounds healed, the jeweler took her to his business and Memocan was quick to find her place. In a video that went viral on social media, you can see how with her sharp teeth and nails attack on people trying to grab banknotes. She is also seen in jewelry cabinets playing with gold pendants.

“Memocan intervenes immediately when a stranger tries to take the money and gold from the cash register and attacks. At first I thought it was a coincidence, but then I realized it wasn’t, ”Yuksel told the news agency. Reuters.

Memocan playing with a gold necklace on one of the shop windows. (Photo: video capture)

However, the jeweler had to remove her from her post due to the ferocity of the friendly animal in defense of the collection. Yuksel had to take it away from the cash register because some employees could not use it. Several times it caused their fingers to bleed.

Despite her violent demeanor around money, the squirrel is calm and allows herself to be touched by customers who come to the jewelry store just to meet her. Memocan has become an attraction in the Turkish city and an unavoidable obstacle for thieves.

The squirrel is the main attraction for customers. (Photo: video capture)

Those who still want to meet the striking squirrel will have to hurry. Her owner assures us that their relationship is coming to an end: “Of course, once the injury has healed, Memocan will come back to nature. This is where he belongs ”.


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