Memorandum with Iran: DAIA responded to AMIA for complaint to Cristina Kirchner


DAIA was upset by the publicity of AMIA's request and said that it should have discussed "inside".

January 31, 2019

The delegation of the Israelite badociations of Argentina (DAIA) responded to the Mutual Association Israelite of Argentina (AMIA), who asked to reject the denunciation of Alberto Nisman against Cristina Kirchner for signing the memorandum of understanding with Iran for the 1994 attack. Blunt, its president, Jorge Knoblovits regretted that the request was made public.

"I received the letter 4 days ago.From DAIA, we regret that the AMIA has made it public unnecessarily because it is a situation that is resolved inside of our society, "Knoblovits told Perfil.

The DAIA official said that the appropriate thing would have been to wait "that the May badembly raises the issue" because "it's there that concerns are open to all members" . He also criticized AMIA's decision to do so "in the national media" since "Any debate outside the Jewish community is nonsense and disrespect."

AMIA responded that the organization's request was still the same for both common and consensual strategies " with regard to the attack. "It's a foreign policy and the Jewish community is not the one who had to complain to the former president for the memorandum," they explained.

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