Mendocino died in Chile when he skidded with the bike and hit a wall | Chronic


A 52-year-old man died as a result of an accident on the Cinco Sur road that was traveling to the Chilean city of Talca after falling off his motorcycle, crashing into a protective barrier and losing his life instantly.

Police sources indicated that Enrique Vincent He owned a store specializing in the sale of household items and commercial equipment. At the same time, the Chilean media reported that a woman who accompanied her had also been injured in the crash, while that would be out of danger.

According to the lieutenant Sebastián Barría, an employee of the Public Transport Crash Investigation Section, Biobío still does not know the cause of the accident.

"The incident occurred at kilometer 742, which examines why the rider loses control of his trajectory, deviates his movement to the left and hits a containment barrier located in the middle of the road" he maintained. Meanwhile, his remains will be transferred to Mendoza in the next few hours.


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