Mendoza and Bariloche are among the 20 best places to visit in 2020


The American magazine specializing in the world of business and finance, Forbes, unveiled its 2019 ranking with "The 20 best destinations to visit in 2020". In position 4, figure Bariloche, which was emphasized by his picturesque lakes; in 18, the province of Mendoza, recognized for being a Wine Region and because of its proximity to the Andes Mountains, making it an ideal destination for adventure tourism.

"Bariloche, the northern part of Patagonia, is famous for its picturesque lakes and offers activities such as hiking, cycling, golf and water sports", described the publication, where they also recommended staying at the famous hotel Llao Llao "located on a small hill, surrounded by lakes, forests and Andean peaks" and browse the Perito Moreno Glacier, although this one is located in another province: Santa Cruz.

An Argentine tourist is waiting for the release of an ice block from the Perito Moreno glacier, located in the province of Santa Cruz (Photo: AFP / WALTER DIAZ)
An Argentine tourist is waiting for the release of an ice block from the Perito Moreno glacier, located in the province of Santa Cruz (Photo: AFP / WALTER DIAZ)

With respect to the province of Mendoza, says the magazine: "This is the most important wine region of Argentina, but it is also known for its adventure tourism, because of its proximity to the Andes mountain range." In addition, add that it is an ideal place for "lovers of wine and nature".

Forbes magazine has chosen Mendoza as one of the top 20 places to visit as a wine region (Photo: AFP / DANIEL GARCIA)
Forbes magazine has chosen Mendoza as one of the top 20 places to visit as a wine region (Photo: AFP / DANIEL GARCIA)

In this context, the president of the tourist entity of Mendoza, Gabriela Testa, stressed "the success of being among these recommended places" and stated that "it's very important being that the gondola of the world's tourist destinations is so big. "

"There is something that he grew up in recent years, in addition to tourists, it is the number of destinations who have joined this offer that continues to grow, "he added.

The landscapes of Patagonia with the Andean Cordillera as protagonist have been highlighted by a specialized magazine as one of the main tourist attractions of our country (Photo: FRANCISCO RAMOS MEJIA / AFP)
The landscapes of Patagonia with the Andean Cordillera as protagonist were presented by a specialized magazine as one of the main tourist attractions of our country (Photo: FRANCISCO RAMOS MEJIA / AFP)

Paul Metselaar, CEO of a travel agency explained to Forbes than international travel They are a big trend in the world for next year. According to the statistics of your agency Demand rose 40% over last year.

According to data revealed by the National Office of Tourism and Travel of the US Department of Commerce, they were registered in 2018 93 million business and leisure travelers.

In addition to these two Argentine destinations, among the 20 best places in the world to visit in 2020, as Forbes points out, there are three other places in Latin America: Atacama Desert (position 9) and Vira Vira (position 19) in Chile; and the Machu Picchu (position 16), in Peru.

Pictures of the
Images of the "Solar Race Atacama", which takes place in this desert with the highest solar radiation on the planet (Photo: AP / Geert Vanden Wijngaert)

With regard to the Chilean regions, the magazine highlighted Atacama Desert for its resemblance to Arches National Park or Canyonlands National Park in Utah and for activities that can be carried out, such as "hiking and cycling in the surrounding mountains and canyons. "About Vira Viraexplained that "It's a destination all year round" which allows to ski on the active volcano Villarrica and then to go down to see cascades and lakes with crystalline waters.

Compared to Machu Picchu, acknowledged that "Peru offers a great culture, history, nature and food"and he recommended it to" history buffs, adventurers and culture. "

The ruins of Macchu Picchu, one of the most famous destinations of Cuzco, Peru. (Photo: AFP / GOH CHAI HIN)
The ruins of Macchu Picchu, one of the most famous destinations of Cuzco, Peru. (Photo: AFP / GOH CHAI HIN)


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