Mendoza is the third province in the country with the most deaths due to the irrational use of drugs


The irrational use of drugs led to a sudden increase in mortality and hospitalization figures. The numbers put Argentina among the countries of the world that more deaths have registered because of drug abuse. More specifically, in Latin America, we are seconds after Mexico, which is totally vulnerable and has minimal control.

"In our country the role of the pharmacist has been lost, there is no follow-up of the patient in the medications that are prescribed and the prescription is not always requested in pharmacies, and the Illegal drug sales is one of the highest in the world with 14%, while in underdeveloped countries does not exceed 3%, "said Marcelo Peretta, President of the Union of Pharmaceutical Products and biochemists (SAFYB).

Marcelo Peretta. In 1945, nearly 26,000 Argentines died and there were 179,300 hospitalizations, and this year it is estimated that will exceed 200 thousand In Mendoza, there are more than a thousand deaths and 7,000 hospitalizations, making the province one of the most affected by the irrational use of drugs, after Buenos Aires and Córdoba.

According to the data of the Union of Pharmacists and Biochemists The main causes are: 5. Self-medication, ie when the person uses over-the-counter medications without a prescription or a pharmacist's opinion Over-prescription, when the health care professional prescribes a remedy that was not necessary for the patient to recover The under-prescription when the necessary medications are not prescribed or less prescribed, so that There is no effectiveness in the treaty from a certain table.

Other causes have to do with the quality control chain, either because of a failure of the drug or because of a date or a drug adulteration.

"Pharmacies are not a business but a health service, but today they sell drugs anywhere, in a kiosk, in a pharmacy, on a market and there is even a publication that circulates on social networks. Club del barter that exchanges remedies, "said pharmacist Carlos Manbadero

The University Drug Information Center Juan Agustín Maza, year after year, reports on the irrational self-medication in Mendoza. In the case of over-the-counter medications, one drug is taken for every 10 people who enter the pharmacy. In addition, out of these 6, 5 took it on the recommendation of the pharmacist. "This puts emphasis on the responsibility and role of the professional," said Manbadero, director of the Observatory of Maza University.

For his part, Under Secretary of Health Oscar Sagás said that the controls needed to detect pharmacies that do not comply with the regulations and sell drugs without a prescription.

"The Department of Pharmacology controls and sanctions fines and closures for those who do not submit the corresponding documentation that supports the release of drugs," said the Undersecretary

adding that ANMAT also exercised control over Internet sales and was developing rapidly outside the legal market. hospitals are implementing an optimization program so that the drugs are well prescribed, "said Sagás.

He stressed that the goal is "to avoid antimicrobial resistance and that a bad drug does not endanger the patient's life. "

The Silent Killer

Among the drugs most consumed in 2017 are badgesics, particularly paracetamol and Ibuprofen, and drugs for gastrointestinal disorders such as Ranitidine, Sertal or Buscopan

The director of the Medicine Information Center of the University of Maza explained that paracetamol if you consume 8 grams in a day causes intoxication A superior liver disease at 3 o'clock is irreversible and can lead to a liver transplant.To give an idea, 8 grams equals 20 tablets of 500. In addition, the misused Buscopan can cause bowel paralysis.

The Under Secretary of Health Oscar Sagás has confirmed some statistics released by the Argentine Pharmaceutical Confederation (COFA) between 40 and 45% of upper gastrointestinal haemorrhages are products of high consumption. aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition, between 11 and 15% of kidney diseases are produced by taking excessive painkillers and anti-inflammatories.

The danger of thinning

"Today, there is total irresponsibility disguised as natural food supplements, when this is not the case" , said Manbadero, director of the Observatory of Maza University

He explained that these "natural preparations" can cause poisoning and even death.

Spirulina have active ingredients that have extracted and at an appropriate concentration would work like drugs, so it's not natural, and not even the Indian nut, which is a fruit is healthy, we release a report of the toxicity that is for the body and they went out to kill us, "said the pharmacist.

He warned the company not to be deceived or buy anything online because there are no magic drugs or drugs. Natural products that help you lose weight.

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