Mendoza’s interest in generating its own energy is growing


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Mendoza was one of the first provinces to legislate the so-called “Distributed generation“, which allows any citizen who decides to integrate electrical energy production equipment into their home or industry (with renewable sources such as photovoltaics, mini-hydraulics or others), becomes a generator user in order to be autonomous and, in the event of a surplus, can throw it on the public network distribution reception monetary compensation for him.

“The procedure is simple: by installing distributed production equipment, like solar panels or other technologies, you can produce energy for own consumption, reduce the demand and, possibly, inject the surplus of the electrical energy generated into the distribution network, obtaining an economic compensation ”, explained the engineer. Hugo Réos, Director of the Provincial Electricity Regulator (EPRE).

Electricity production on the rise

Speaking about the present of the Mendoza market, Reos assured that “Currently, the province has 5 megawatts (MW) of installed capacity, with which it can supply a population of approximately 15,000 inhabitants. spread throughout the province ”.

The head of EPRE also assured that “the distributed production activity in Mendoza is on the rise and more and more users are interested in adhering to this policy because it offers them, to a certain extent, greater independence”.

In fact, he stated that, dthe validity of EPRE Resolution N ° 019/2015 until July 2021, “There are 352 users / generators in Mendoza, including those which still have municipal procedures in progress and the connection contracts already signed between the Users / Producers and the Distribution Company ”.

Of these 352 users, 238 are residential and 114 are commercial and industrial, with a total photovoltaic power requested for the period 2016/2021 of 6,140 kW, of which 1,330 kW correspond to residential users and 4,810 kW to commercial and industrial users.

Of this total, Only 28 performed the steps via the remote procedures platform, through which they can access incentives at national level, They consist of a tax credit certificate for the compensation of national taxes (income taxes, presumed minimum income, value added and internal taxes).

This incentive, linked to the installed power according to provision n ° 40/2021 of the Undersecretariat for Electricity of the Nation, is $ 45 / W, with a maximum amount to be granted per User-Generator of $ 3,000,000.

The provincial regulation for distributed generation (EPRE resolution 019/2015) predates National Law 27,424 (2017), for which there are many users / producers in the province who are not included in the national registers. Therefore, there are only 28.

More subscribers in Mendoza

Although the law on distributed generation was approved in 2015, the boom in Mendoza has been gradual and gradual.

“Really, the consultations have grown a lot lately and it’s not just a question of cost reduction, but also of environmental benefits,” he said. Mariano ramirez, by Solarea.

For its part Sebastien perez, from Energ, said the investment for a standard home is about $ 4,500 plus an additional $ 1,500 for installation.

From what has been expressed by the sellers of the panels, To access the system, the family or the company must have a file validated with the Epre, the electricity distribution company of the territory and the municipality..

“Once approved, you receive a bidirectional meter to the potential user of the generator and there it is possible to use the reversal of the network of the surpluses that we have so as not to consume the energy of the panels, ”said Ramírez.

The user generation experience

Susana it is one of the first producer users in the province. Seven years ago he took advantage of the benefits in his house in Potrerillos and claims that the system has changed his life.

“I have lived in Potrerillos for 15 years, a beautiful region to enjoy in summer, not in winter because it is very cold and it is not easy to heat it all day. Therefore, researching the topic and analyzing the possibilities, I made up my mind and placed the panels. Today, I feel that it was the best investment of my life ”, Express.

The woman installed nine panels first, then added two more. “My house is heated all the time. I am never cold. I don’t need to measure myself with the use of gas. When I go down to the City, when I come back my house is still warm. I really feel like it was worth investing in the distributed generation, ”he commented.

For the record, Susana said that “several of her friends are now analyzing the possibility of installing the system, but while that is happening almost every afternoon they are at home playing games. heated maps. Today my house is the meeting point ”.

But not only is she planning to invest in this system, her children, who are building their house, are already planning to put it in place. “Today their priority is to finish the building, but in the future they plan to place panels”, noted.

In closing, the woman confessed that during the winter he paid a $ 1,200 bill: “I have a solar water heater, solar panels, everything in my house is electric and I never measure myself against anything. I recommend it blindly, the profit is high ”.

Juan Pablo Barroso, president of Viveros San Nicolás SA, located in Junín, he also brought his experience as a generator user to his company.

The space has 45 panels and the results obtained are remarkable.

“Our experience with solar panels allowed us to reduce electricity costs by 30%, but also, it had a great impact on the environment. The company is very attached to the possibility of reducing carbon dioxide emissions and, for this, we have decided to be part of a global flow of triple impact B companies “, Barroso said.

The businessman assured that at present, “they consume about 6,200 kilowatt hours, which it has a cost of $ 64,000 per month, about. The idea, in a second step, is to increase our solar park, in the short term, to supplant 80% of the energy that we consume today “.

At the moment, they don’t have any surplus energy, so they can’t sell.

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