Mendoza's judicial victory in the United States would help the nation


The Court of Appeal of the Second Circuit (federal) of New York has ruled in favor of Mendoza before the claim of a bonus holder of the former Aconcagua and, according to the 39, interpreted by the provincial government, "has established an antecedent that could benefit the nation in similar cases."

"This decision closes the entire international judicial front on the issue for the province and sets a precedent for the national government," he said. MDZ the Minister of the Government, Lisandro Nieri, who works on this case since the arrival of the first letter of the bond creditor in 2016.

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The lawyers of Moshe Ajdler, who held the securities of the ex-premium Aconcagua for 7 million US dollars but who have never adhered to the swap operations nor filed a complaint, filed a lawsuit in August 2016.

Garay, then Minister of the Government, at the American Court several years ago.

According to them, the province had to respond not only to the capital but also to the interests and interests generated. The case was brought before a court of first instance in New York with a claim of about 23 million US dollars. "We understood that because of the regulation of the US obligation and regulation itself, the claim did not match," Nieri said. Indeed, the court gave reason to Mendoza with a "brutal" decision in which it clearly indicated that the cascade of claims of interest did not enjoy any rights.

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Prior to the judicial setback, Ajdler went to the Appeals Chamber, where his application was finally buried on Thursday.

The Foreign Minister admitted that the (former) bondholder still had the opportunity to go to the United States Supreme Court, although he found it "highly unlikely".

Nieri also felt that the good news for the province could be extended to Casa Rosada, because "a sentence of this nature could serve the country in the face of other similar claims in force emanating from robbers". As in every judicial victory in the United States, Nieri hopes to contact the Ministry of Finance of the Nation to badyze the situation.



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