Mercedes Benz does not know how Kim gets his luxurious Maybach limousines


The two Mercedes Benz Maybach limousines waiting for Kim on their arrival at Vladivostok railway station, Russia, before meeting Vladimir Putin Source: AFP

LONDON – Daimler, the parent company of Mercedes Benz, said he did not know how the North Korean dictator,

Kim Jong-un

, gets the armored limousines made by the German giant, while denying any commercial link with the regime, which weighs several sanctions of the United Nations, revealed the British newspaper The Guardian.

In addition to her eccentricities, especially her costumes and hairstyles, Kim has attracted attention in recent months due to the deployment of her delegations to international summits.

Donald Trump


Vladimir Poutine

in which security and limousines stole the cameras focus.

Kim goes down from one of Maybach armored before his summit with Putin
Kim goes down from one of Maybach armored before his summit with Putin Source: AP

To try to put pressure on the dictatorship of

North Korea

In order to renounce the development of nuclear weapons, the UN has imposed a series of economic sanctions, including that on the sale of luxury goods, which are at the top of the communist regime.

However, before meeting Putin, two limousines were waiting at Vladisvostok station: a Mercedes Maybach S600 Pullman Guard and another Mercedes Maybach S62. He also used the S600 Pullman Guard for trump highs in Singapore in June and Hanoi in February.

One of the limousines of Kim's entourage in Vladivostok
One of the limousines of Kim's entourage in Vladivostok Source: AP

"The company has no longer had any trade relations with North Korea for more than 15 years and strictly adheres to the embargoes of the European Union and the United States," said Daimler's spokeswoman. Silke Mockert. "In order to prevent deliveries to North Korea and its embbadies, Daimler has put in place a complete export process .. The sale of vehicles by third parties is beyond our control and responsibility", added Mockert.


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