Merchants vs. Feminists: it was the confrontation that took place on the Esplanade des Beaux-Arts


Feminists and merchants fight in the fine art (Video: Twitter @xab_diaz)

In the afternoon of last Saturday, Social media users reported a confrontation outside the Palais des Beaux-Arts Come in women who made a “feminist market” and hawkers of the area.

In one of the videos shared on Twitter shown to a man who tries to hit with a stick and throws liquid at the women who had gathered on the plaza sell sundries in order to peacefully protest against economic violence.

In addition to the above, some Internet users have pointed out that when the authorities of Citizen Security Secretariat (SSC) to the stage, they also raped feminists that were present, because they emphasized that they had been encapsulated.

“Once again, feminists are encapsulated next to Fine Arts !!! What’s up? User @ximenaapisdorf said after sharing some pictures of the moment.

Women said they were encapsulated (Photo: Twitter @ximenaapisdorf)
Women said they were encapsulated (Photo: Twitter @ximenaapisdorf)

Likewise, the user @ Erandi_Cortes12 expressed that theThe merchants who attacked those present had sharp weapons and other devices that could be dangerous. He explained that there were already several weekends when there were such altercations and that the police arrived much later and helped the street vendors.

“Street vendors in the mall attacked the peaceful protest against violence and exploitation of women. They attacked with pipes, knives, stones, among others. They also attacked the people who helped and defended us. Había minors, people of and of the 3rd age. This is not the first time they have done this, ”said the surfer and added several audiovisuals as proof.

There have been three weekends that they attacked this way. After an hour, the police arrived and did nothing, the street vendors beat and did nothing. Rather, they protected the stalls from street vendors while they chased people away.

In view of these facts, the The CDMX Government Secretariat (SECGOB) is delivered by a statement and stressed that the elements of the SSC auxiliary police arrived at the site “to protect the integrity of those involveds and prevent the aggression between the two groups from continuing ”.

The merchants had various items (Photo: Twitter @ Erandi_Cortes12)
The merchants had various items (Photo: Twitter @ Erandi_Cortes12)

According to the institution, theSecurity officers supported two women who had been injured during the conflict and they requested the support of members of the Emergency Medical Rescue Brigade (ERUM).

A 46-year-old woman was treated, who “was diagnosed with a cutting wound of about three centimeters on her forehead” and a 27-year-old girl who had a bruise on her left side.

The SSC said it The staff of the General Directorate of Public Roads Ordinance arrived to offer the dialogue of a five-person committee with the Under-Secretary of the Government, Efraín Morales López. However, the women decided not to accept this offer and after a period of dialogue, the feminists had to withdraw and move towards the zócalo.

“Feminist collectives have been set up in government buildings in Mexico City to sell various products. The police presence in the area has been reinforced. In the afternoon, they left the scene, ”said the organization.


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