Mercosur analyzes the elimination of the roaming collection


The elimination of roaming among Mercosur member countries is on the verge of becoming a reality. The President of the National Agency of Communication (ENACOM), Silvana Giudici, stressed that one of the main items on the agenda of a new meeting of the Commission of the communication from the continental bloc was that joint work will achieve this goal in the short term "provide better and cheaper service to users".

Giudici spoke at the regional meeting held at the San Martin Palace, as Argentina holds the presidency for six months. pro tempore Mercosur. Enacom is the body in charge of coordination meetings in the field of communications.

The official also He mentioned the policies implemented together with the Ministry of Security, to allow the personal identification of prepaid phone lines through the implementation of lines 234 and 910, which allow reporting of theft and loss of mobile terminals.

"These policies have been remarkably successful in reducing the number of mobile phone thefts by 20%. I invite everyone to share this experience at regional level, "said Giudici.

Mercosur Sub-Working Group 1 (SGT 1), It is composed of four thematic commissions: Postal, broadcasting, radiocommunications and public telecommunications services.

Among the issues discussed, in addition to the implementation of a roaming agreement, was the implementation of a Mercosur digital program; adapt the rules in favor of a postal market as a driving force of trade; agree on the different coordination manuals services in border areas; consolidate the SGT 1 as a cross-border interference resolution zone; and consolidate common positions for the next ITU World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC19) and the Congress of the Universal Postal Union.


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