Mercosur and EFTA have concluded a free trade agreement and consolidate the strategy of economic openness


Less than two months after the agreement between Mercosur and the European Union, the South American block, composed of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay takes a new step in its strategy of commercial openness and international integration, by reaching out to the countries of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA).

Integrated by Norway, Swiss, liechtenstein e Iceland, the bloc of European countries represents a relevant opportunity in terms of investment and destination for Mercosur's exports.

With a GDP per capita of US $ 82,000, EFTA countries are open and developed economies that annually import goods and services worth US $ 530 million and export nearly US $ 630 million.

The Secretary for International Economic Relations, Horacio Reyser stressed that "This agreement is essential for Mercosur and Argentina in their process of international integration and strengthening the competitiveness of our economies".

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Compared with May, they posted a slight rebound but, in the year-over-year comparison, they are still below the June 2018 level. Waiting due to the impact of sales incentive measures

Sources of the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs They also stressed the relevance of the investment agreement. For example, Switzerland is the sixth largest investor in the world and Norway has the largest investment fund in the world, the government pension fund of Norway, based on oil royalties.

As in the case of the European Union, Negotiated periods of relief have been established, which will enable competitive reforms to be implemented to improve the production structure and reduce the impact that the agreement could have on differences in competitiveness.

Like this Opportunities offer to the exportable offer of Argentina focused on meat, wine, honey, maize. As for EFTA investments, they should focus on the extractive industries, manufacturing and energy sectors.


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