Mercosur has eliminated roaming and there will be no additional payments to use the phone outside the country


As reported by on Sunday, the Mercosur announced the end of the roaming service on cell phones in bloc member countries. Thus, an Argentine tourist who will visit Brazil for example will not need to subscribe this coverage from his telephone company and its use outside of Argentina will not have any additional cost.

Digital borders are not always the same as politics. Or at least that is the attempt of the last years in the field of mobile telephony. In the middle of the summit of Mercosur state leaders, the Chancellor of Argentina Jorge Faurie confirmed the measure, which must be approved by the parliaments of the four nations before being implemented

This agreement implies that citizens of Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Paraguay who are in one of these four countries can use all the functions of their mobile phone (SMS, data, voice) at the price of the tariff. local.

With this implementation, a ritual of all those who have visited the neighboring countries will end: minutes before leaving, you turn off the data on your phone or leave it in airplane mode until you return.

In March, the Argentinean and Chilean governments had already announced that by May 2020, the homelessness between these two countries.


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