Mercosur is aligned with Argentina and has decided to strengthen its fight against Hezbollah


Second Hemispheric Ministerial Conference on Counter-Terrorism Friday Expressed Concern for Hezbollah Network Activities continue to be carried out in some regions of the Western Hemisphere", and warned against the risk of terrorist groups being able to take refuge in situations of internal conflict and cited as an example for Venezuela," in order to strengthen their criminal activities in the region ".

The participants solemnly evoked and condemned the most serious transnational terrorist attack perpetrated 25 years ago at the headquarters of the Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina (AMIA), for which the participation of this terrorist group is the object of 39, a judicial inquiry.

In the joint statement issued after the debates at the San Martin Palace, the countries participating in the conference committed themselves to "deny refugee status or asylumin accordance with their national legislation, terrorists and financiers of terrorists who move to areas of operations and prevent their respective territories from being used for purposes of recruitment, radicalization and propaganda. "

According to the statement, "the ISIS / Daesh and Al-Qaida terrorist organizations, as well as their affiliated organizations, pose a threat to collective security, to the security of citizens within and outside their territories and to all persons within their respective jurisdictions. "

Foreign Ministers also expressed in the document their concern over "the risk of terrorist groups may be protected in situations of institutional weakness, internal conflict or similar situations, such as that of Venezuela. strengthen their criminal activities in the region ".

The search warning of Salman Raouf Salman (Hezbollah leader) for the AMIA attack, with the reward. (Photo: State Department / Awards for Justice).
The search warning of Salman Raouf Salman (Hezbollah leader) for the AMIA attack, with the reward. (Photo: State Department / Awards for Justice).

They pointed out that "the terrorist and organized crime networks that constitute threats endanger the Hemisphere", and therefore the countries "They must maintain strong cooperation against these networks as well as against their facilitators and those who support them".

In this regard, the signatory nations resolved to intensify "efforts to counter violent extremism, especially apologies for terrorist acts ", as well as the use of" new technologies and computer communication platforms to recruit or radicalize and disseminate content ".

Therefore, the document emphasized "the need to increase international cooperation in the fight against terrorism and its financing, through an agile exchange of information and good practices to reduce vulnerabilities. "

In another paragraph of the statement, they encouraged the relevant authorities, especially the financial intelligence units, "establish and strengthen alliances with each other and with the private sector, in order to evaluate and monitor terrorist patterns and trends and their financing "and" to exchange operational information for intelligence purposes ".

The representatives of the governments who participated in the conference stressed that terrorism is "a threat to peace, security, democratic stability and human rights "countries.

According to a document published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, terrorism was also described in the conclusions of this meeting as being: "A threat to economic and social development and to citizens inside and outside their national territories".

The declaration is signed by the representatives of Argentina, Bahamas, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, United States and the United States. of this meeting.

Similarly, Mexico, Uruguay and the Inter-American Committee against Terrorism (CICTE) attended the meeting as observers.


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