Mercosur to announce end of mobile roaming service in the region


Mercosur is preparing to announce the end of service homelessness on cell phones in bloc member countries. For example, an Argentine tourist traveling to Brazil, for example, will not need to subscribe to this coverage with their telephone company.

As confirmed by the official sources consulted by idea of ​​the regional authorities is to present this novelty this week at the Mercosur Heads of State Summit to be held Wednesday in Santa Fe, although the details of the measure have not yet been revealed.

The end of homelessness This will involve any citizen of Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay or Paraguay will stop paying extra for the telephone service in one of the countries that make up the trading bloc, something is happening among the members of the European Union. The measure, however, should be approved by the parliaments of the four nations before being implemented.

In March, the governments of Argentina and Chile announced that since May 2020 the homelessness between these two countries. According to the authorities, this type of measure aims to "provide a better and cheaper service to users".

The initial alternative was to establish a timetable to phase out these additional costs, but the Mercosur governments finally decided that the measure had immediate application, according to the newspaper The nation.

The summit of heads of state of the regional bloc will look this week to find an institutional mechanism for accelerate the start of business aspects of the treaty signed at the end of June with the European Union. The objective of Mercosur is that the first clauses can come into force in 2021.


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