Mercosur will sign the removal of roaming and questions arise as to its implementation.


Block members will agree to remove voice and data charges. Need parliamentary approval. Disagreements on the start date

The Government I returnedor a advertise What already not he paya homelessness enter the paíhis of the Mercosur.

This one myedWednesday, the the members of the block signanot a agreement for advanced in it directionornot. The agreement dutya be approved by the parliaments of all país. When, at less two of the the members to have this one ratificationornot, the businesses couldanot advanced in the agreements commercial. In the agreement he preved What this arrive a split of 2020.

The agreement bea sign by the Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay in the frame of the 54° Reuniornot of the advice of the Market comúnot of the South (Mercosur) and What will havea impact sure 185 million of the users of the Services morvile What live in this one territory.

By the Argentina he valued What the agreement carry the signature of the secretary of Modernizationornot and Vice Chief of office, Andreds Ibarra.

The document What it was flowing in the víSperas henotwing What the mas of 15 businesses of telefonía morvile What operate in the regionornot "dutyanot generate agreements commercial for respect the the prices local of all user What trip in the interior of the Mercosur"

he treaty of Claro, Movistar, The staff, Tigo, I live, TIM, Antel, Box, Entel Chile, Entel Bolivia and Live, the main lenders of the service in the paíhis of the block, as wellas of Chile and Bolivia as states Related at block.

In the communication official at What this one way had access he Explain What, a traveds of this one agreement"a Argentine What trip a Brazil coulda communicate of the even path What in Mendoza, Missions o all province of the territory national" giving by including What he isa speaking of the the costs What they involve those the communications.

The text as wellednot refer a the need of advanced "in líline with the agreement sign by the Unitedornot European" Right hereí is or he to warn the first differences.

It happens What the paíhis of the EU not sorwhat they have economyías stable but What, as wellas, share nail change comúnot, thing What in the Mercosur not there is.

Of haí What beech certain alerts of Party of the operators morvile consulted. "The theme isa sure the table, but there is What sit down a think it well, because there is different loads enter the paíhis and as wellednot fluctuationornot enter the coins. Yes he decide go in it directionornot there is What to work for watch cormo he to launch the project and not affect a the operators" they said of nail of the main businessoras of the sector.

It posture he was coincident in Claro or henotAlaron What "Yes well isa very well What he advanced with a agreement in it directionornot because badist the requests of the consumers there is Questions What they have What be harmonized. When not there is nail change única and there is the differences of the prices local, as wellas of Questions bound with double taxationornot tributary and demas is necessary treat those Questions"

Claro is the única businessora of the regionornot What deals homelessness released in I amedrich latina enter your even customers of made three anotbone, with extensionornot of it possibility a States United and paíhis of the Unitedornot European.

The asymmetryías What henotAlaron the the sources consulted go of Questions own of the economyía of all país, as aspects own of the sector in all país. By case, in Uruguay, the cost of interconnectedornot in the terminationornot of call in other Operatorwhen nail communicationornot he to start in nail businessora and end in otheris six time mas expensive What in the to rest of the regionornot. Other lenders Carry onúa charge the costs of long distance. Without forget What those states What they have operators of telecommunications will haveanot What to resign Income by it vía.

The l & # 39; inflationornot of the Argentina What, annualized, he ubiqueor in the 55,8% of agreement a the the data a know by the INDEC this one even Tuesday, is a postman basket in the frame of paíhis neighbors whose íIndex of l & # 39; inflationornot isanot very by below of those levels. In Brazil, the l & # 39; inflationornot annualized he locate in tower at 3,37% while What in Uruguay the accumulated of 12 months he was of 7,36 by hundred, by sorwhat mention two case.

The agreement of homelessness free What he enforceor in the Unitedornot European in 2017 him I tookor a the the members of the block and businessoras mas of 10 anotbone of deliberations. Y up & # 39; to now the consumers of it regionornot he show neglect a make a use intensive of the service. Of Made, made Something of a month, of Brussels controlled What the calls not couldanot overcome the 19 cents of euro. The regulator he go in the obligationornot of Carry on performing settings for What the system job.

Of haí What the businessoras consulted he shortcut when he the consultation sure the immediate Implementationornot. AT arrive a 2020 missing less of six months. Of haí What, of the sector private, to bet a What the system he to put in market of face a 2021. All to dependa of the level of compromise What acquire everybody the cast a split of the signature.

Sorwhat a path of recall: in market past Argentina and Chile sign a agreement for eliminate the homelessness in May of 2020. But he they do not know advances of then. inclusive up & # 39; to beía contradictory with the waiting of "infancy of 2020" established in the text What circleor enter the means.

The keys of the agreement

Enter the tedterms of the agreement he together What:

The providers of telefonía morvile dutyanot apply a your the users, What use the Services of homelessness international, the even the prices What the copper by the Services morvile in his own país, of agreement a the modality and plan contracted by all user.

This one dispositionornot he applya in case What the user make o to receive the communications of voice, messagingía o access a Services of the data (access a Internet) in homelessness international, in the territory of other State Party.

The mas of 15 businesses operators of the service morvile, dutyanot generate agreements commercial for respect the the prices local of all user What trip in the interior of the MERCOSUR.

The conformationornot of a Committeeed of The coordinationornot Tedtechnical, compound by representatives of all the parts, What will havea as target:

Activate the Implementationornot of the agreement, determinant the Dated of Implementationornot effective enter the States What what to have ratified.

Oversee the executionornot and accomplishment of what planned.

"This one measured he frame in the interior of nail políethics regional What research encourage, a traveds of nail task coordinate, measures What go not only in advantage of the the citizens but as wellednot What generate terms for the investmentornot in the sector and the development of the industry TIC" he has quarreled the Vice Chief of office and secretary of Government of Modernizationornot, Andreds Ibarra.

A his time, the States the members dutyanot:

Secured What the informationornot sure the the prices be of faeasy access at púpublic.

Minimize the impediments o the barriers at use of alternatives technologyorgicas at homelessness international.

Enforce mechanisms through the which the providers of Services of telecommunications to permit a the the users control your consumptions of the data, voice and the messages of text (Short Message Service).

Establish the mechanisms of solutionornot of controversy What he spark enter the providers of different States Rooms.

Overseea What your providers offer a the the users of homelessness international, the even the quality of service What a your the users national.

Nail series of obligations What binda a count with a supervisor agil for What the eliminationornot of the homelessness be effectively in advantage of the the users morvile.

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