Merkel has lifted restrictions on S …


Just a day after announcing new restrictions due to the alarming number of coronavirus infections in recent days, the German Chancellor Angela Merkel backed down with the new cuts to social traffic, said she had made “a mistake” and asked the company for a “forgiveness”..

“An error must be qualified as an error and, above all, it must be corrected and, if possible, on time. Sé que esta propuesta ha causado una uncertidumbre adicional, lo lamento profundamente y por ello pido el perdón de todos los ciudadanos “, dijo en un discurso tras una nueva reunión de urgencia con los líderes de los estados regionales, ante las numerosas críticas a sus anuncios from yesterday.

In this way, The idea of ​​cutting social traffic for five days during Holy Week has been dropped and religious services can be held in person and not by videoconference.

The same will happen with sales, because non-essential business closures have also been suspended. Everything had been thought out “with the best of intentions” to “slow down and reverse a third of the pandemic,” Merkel said. But “it can’t be done in a short time,” he admitted.

In her message, the Chancellor took up the decision. “This error is only mine”, he said and asked “forgiveness from the citizens”.. But the truth is that all the closures had been agreed with the 16 regional states. Even by heads of government who later criticized the tightening of restrictive measures.

By the way, the Conservative Minister of the Interior of Bavaria, Horst Seehofer, said he was “amazed that, of all the parts whose names have a C [de cristiano] suggest that churches refrain from holding services, especially at Easter “.

The main criticisms of the public rallies came from the opposition and from traders who had to lower their blinds. In her new message, the Chancellor was convinced that “the virus will slowly but surely lose all its horror”. However, he warned that the road was “hard and long”.

Too Limits on retail, museums and sports centers have been lifted. Schools, on the other hand, continue to operate although with serious restrictions.

Germany topped 75,000 deaths from covid on Wednesday adding 248 deaths in the previous 24 hours, in addition to 15,813 new infections. The incidence in the past seven days is 108.1 new cases per 100,000 population, up from 86.2 a week ago.

The country accumulates 2,690,523 positives, of which approximately 2,445,300 are recorded as recovered, and the number of active cases stands at approximately 170,000.

The Germans who received both doses of the vaccine are 3,416,612, 4.1 percent of the population, and 7,698,450 (9.3 percent), at least one.


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