Meteorite fell on his house, he sold it and says he was scammed for millionaire number


Joshua, 33, found a meteorite that would have made him a billionaire.  Now he says it was "cheated".  (Photo: The Jarkarta Post)

Joshua, 33, found a meteorite that would have made him a billionaire. Now he says he was “scammed”. (Photo: Jarkarta Post)

The news was all the rage around the world: Joshua Hutagalung, 34, had a very humble life in North Sumatra, Indonesia, until suddenly a meteorite fell on his house. The stone, which was the size of a soccer ball, was acquired by an American expert and many reported that the Asian man had become a “instant billionaire ” because the extraterrestrial object would have a value of 2,000,000 USD, but the reality was completely different.

In an interview with the newspaper The Jakarta Post, Joshua said he felt “ripped off” for selling the meteorite at such a low value after reading the hundreds of reports about its rarity. The find was bought by the researcher Jared collins for a total sum of Rs 200,000,000 or $ 14,000.

I spent the 200 million rupees that I got by selling the meteorite to Collins to help my family and my orphans, build a church and repair my parents’ graves, ”he assured this medium.

Collins arrived from his residence in Bali to visit Joshua. The meteorite expert told the man that he found out about the discovery from the media and that he really loves it.

“He offered me 200 million rupees for the meteorite and I refused. But then, added 14,000,000 to repair the roof that had been damaged on impact. After thinking it over, I accepted Jared’s offer, ”he explained.

According to Daily Mail reports, a gram of this rare variety of meteorite costs around $ 1,000 (Photo: The Jakarta Post)
According to Daily Mail reports, a gram of this rare variety of meteorite costs around $ 1,000 (Photo: The Jakarta Post)

But the truth is, Collins did not acquire the 6-pound Space Stone for himself, but sold it to another man named Jay Piatek, “a doctor and meteor collector in the city of Indianapolis.” According to the Lunar and Planetary Institute. from Texas, United States. According to specialists, the meteorite is estimated to be 4.5 billion years old and classified as condrita carbonácea CM1 / 2, an extremely rare variety.

Faced with such an accusation, Jared’s legal representative came to speak, Shanty Soekowati, who expressed his displeasure. “The transaction between Mr. Joshua and my client are completely confidentialand the money he received is not what is said, but more. The total value of the stone is not yet known and the corresponding investigations will be carried out so that in any case, Mr. Collins can defend himself. “

Joshua filmed the moment he found the Space Stone (Photo: Capture / Joshua Hutagalung)
Joshua filmed the moment he found the Space Stone (Photo: Capture / Joshua Hutagalung)

On the other hand, the coffin maker, who is the father of two, noted that he did not sell the entire space object, but “shared it among parents so that they could ‘have as a gift “and that in any case,” they will not be there selling “.


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