Mexico has an obligation to arrest Nicolás Maduro as it did with “Chapo” Guzmán


Mexican Foreign Secretary Marcelo Ebrard receives Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro
Mexican Foreign Secretary Marcelo Ebrard receives Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro

In Mexico, the first official meeting of transnational organized crime with Latin American presidents has just taken place under the name of “VI Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC)”. This is how it is defined by the presence of Nicolás Maduro, convicted for the application of the Palermo Convention in the courts of New York and Florida, with an arrest warrant and a reward of 15 million dollars. . Mexico, a signatory of Palermo, with extradition and free trade treaties with the United States, has an obligation to stop Maduro and to proceed as it did with Joaquín “el chapo” Guzmán.

The great objective of crime has always been to penetrate, to control, to be part of politics. In the Americas, the most notable attempts of the 20th century were drug traffickers Pablo Escobar in Colombia and Roberto Suarez in Bolivia, partners in drug trafficking with Fidel Castro and Castroism, as evidenced by the book “The King of cocaine “in the chapter” The Cuban Connection “, the shooting of General Ochoa and more.

In the twenty-first century, this goal was achieved by twenty-first-century socialism or Castr-Chavismo, which, by expanding Cuban methodology, succeeded in seizing and retaining political power in Venezuela with Hugo Chávez and Nicolás Maduro, in Bolivia with Evo Morales and Luis Arce, Nicaragua with Daniel Ortega and Ecuador with Rafael Correa, turning all these countries into drug states. He also succeeded in giving political status to the narco guerilla FARC with peace agreements against the will of the Colombian people who voted NO. They support armed violence with the simulation of FARC dissidents and ELN drug operations, from which Cuba protects the leaders in its territory.

Cuba with Castro / Diaz-Canel, Venezuela with Maduro / Cabello, Bolivia with Morales / Arce and Nicaragua with Ortega / Murillo, are narco states in which crimes against humanity are committed and state terrorism s ‘exercise institutionally. With an ideological veneer and unlimited resources of political funding through the “Sao Paulo Forum”, they articulated the support of Alberto Fernández and Cristina Kirchner of Argentina, Andrés Manuel López Obrador of Mexico and Pedro Castillo of Peru, who support and cover the heads of the Narco Castro-Chavista states.

This is the frame of reference for understanding the CELAC meeting and the presence in Mexico of Cuban dictators Miguel Díaz-Canel and Venezuela’s Nicolás Maduro: The Mexican birthday used by López Obrador to pay bills to the Cuban regime helping more late the dictator of crimes against humanity aggravated since July 11 when the people peacefully demanded “freedom, homeland and life”; The CELAC summit manipulated by López Obrador – under the pretext of the Latin American leadership of Mexico – to incorporate inmate Nicolás Maduro.

What López Obrador has really accomplished is to give full proof of his servitude and participation in transnational organized crime. Make Mexico a seat for the promotion and cover-up of crimes, violates the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime or the Palermo Convention which it ratified on March 4, 2003. Violates the Mexico-United States-Canada T-MEC or United States-Mexico-Canada USMCA treaty with very serious economic consequences.

Mexico signed the Extradition Treaty with the United States on May 4, 1978 and executed it on several occasions, the most notorious case being that of Mexican drug trafficker “El Chapo Guzmán” in January 2017. Article 1.1 of the treaty: “The Parties undertake to hand over to each other, subject to the provisions of this Treaty, persons against whom the competent authorities of the requesting Party have instituted criminal proceedings …”

The Attorney General of the United States announced on March 26, 2023 criminal proceedings for “conspiracy to narco-terrorism” between the so-called Los Soles cartel, formed by the Venezuelan authorities and led by Maduro, and the FARC since 1999. A reward of 15 million dollars for the capture of Maduro. The State Department recalled on September 18, 2020 – coinciding with Maduro’s arrival in Mexico – of the $ 15 million reward.

Maduro ayudó a administrar y, en última instancia, a liderar el Cartel de los Soles, una organización venezolana de narcotráfico compuesta por funcionarios venezolanos de alto rango, mientras ganaba poder en Venezuela en una conspiración de narcoterroras de las Fucasa violent Colombia. (FARC) ”, indicates the search notice against Maduro, on the official website of the US State Department. Has López Obrador read it?

* Lawyer and political scientist. Director of the Inter-American Institute for Democracy


Lacalle Pou recited the song “Patria y Vida” in front of the Cuban dictator Díaz-Canel
The three Latin American presidents who differentiated themselves from the dictatorships of Maduro, Ortega and Díaz-Canel in CELAC
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Nicolás Maduro arrived in Mexico to participate in the CELAC summit: it is his first official trip since American justice accused him of drug trafficking

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