Mexico: Tortured her baby and sent the videos to her father


The woman was surprised by police officers who observed how she had mistreated her in a park located at the corner of Emilio Carranza street and the Lechería-Texcoco highway. So they protected the baby and stopped the mother.

Both were transferred to the Ecatepec Women's Justice Center to determine their legal status.

After a medical examination, it was found that the girl had injuries to her legs, hands and face. After being treated, she was entrusted to her father, who wrote the corresponding report. He did not report the serious facts until summoned when the woman was arrested while she was beating the girl.

The mother, identified as Karina, N, 31 years old and resident of Tecámac, was arrested for the crime of injury and sent to Chiconautla Prison. However, your process will remain free after paying 35,000 pesos penalty.

On her Twitter account, Mexican activist Frida Guerrera showed the video of the badaults and that, apparently, he sent his ex-partner and father of the baby from which he was separated, to "put him under pressure".

Warning! Images can hurt your sensitivity

To integrate

A baby was raped in the years 9052019, the mother was arrested, the Ecatepec control judge. Rafael López L. He decided to let her go by giving, as a precaution, that the mother did not approach. The baby is safe, what do you want him to kill? @PoderJudicialEs @TapiaFernanda

– FridaGuerrera # NIUNAMÁS (@Fridaguerrera) May 14, 2019


She discovered that her husband had raped and released her 12-year-old sister and had committed suicide.

He hit, hanged and dragged his partner and accused him


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