Mhoni Vidente: Pope Francis will lose his life very soon


Unfortunately, famous Cuban Mhoni Vidente posted her predictions on the show Here with you And there is no good news for the Catholic Church, because it has ensured that Pope Francis will lose his life very soon.

Remember I told you it was the year of religion, there was just a power outage in the Vatican two or three days ago which was all the rage in the world and many trucks left , dead … Pope Francis’ doctor, dead. .. of covid, they lock up the pope.

According to Cuban success, the highest pontiff of the church with the most faithful in the world is isolated against the current virus; but he attacked him so hard that he dad Francisco he will eventually lose his life.

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Mhoni Vidente pointed out that she is a believer and truly regrets breaking the news, but the Covid-19 will eventually take the life of the beloved pontiff completely; currently insured is isolated and very serious.

Definitely I believe that Father Francisco gave him the Covid too very strong, they isolated him now, he is very delicate in health and it is expected, the worst is visualized. I mean, it makes me sad because I believe in God and I believe in religion and I believe in human beings and you see the worst.

The Cuban said that for a while she shared that the Vatican he had to be very careful because the following changes would go on faith and directly to his highest pontiff.

In the good news, Rev. Obvious He stressed that all was not bad because a Mexican, Italian or Asian pope could rise to the top of the Catholic Church and it will be God himself and the Holy Spirit who will support the Vatican.


There are a lot of questions in the Vatican questions, there you realize that this year we will have a new Pope, gentlemen. The new father will leave Italy, Asia or Mexico. This year there will be a total revolution in the Catholic Church and one that the Holy Spirit and God himself will lay hands on the Vatican, added Mhoni Seer.

The famous seer had already said that there would be bad news in the Vatican, even contagion; however, his prediction has never been as sure and precise as the one he is about to publish.

Rev. Obvious He spoke of the “enlightened”, people who are beyond others and who seek to give one meaning or another to nations and peoples. He shared that they are the ones who control everything, mostly through social media.

This problem arose after it became known that the President of the United States himself had been blocked from his social media after riots on Capitol Hill. Cubans have assured celebrities, politicians, and people in general to be careful with their words and what they do, as these characters could isolate them from the rest of the world and minimize their importance regardless of their influence by blocking their communications.

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Giving an example, Mhoni Vidente pointed out that he is who he is, more than thanks to his participation in television, through social networks and that if this medium is removed, he ceases to be who he is and d ‘to have influence.

A similar case of this situation is the beautiful actress Paty Navidad, who recently and twice has been blocked from Twitter for her way of referring to the issue of Covid-19. The famous Sinaloan assured that it was all a plan to instill fear, that the virus is like any other flu and even ensured that his family cured him with tesitos.


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