Miami Cubans continue to demonstrate against dictatorship and plan for a flotilla to depart for the island this Friday


Cubans demonstrate from Miami against Castro's dictatorship
Cubans demonstrate from Miami against Castro’s dictatorship

The Cuban exile in Miami (Florida, USA) on Wednesday maintained his support for the massive demonstrators in Cuba with the event “For the liberation of Cuba – Join the fight”, detained in a county park, and plans to leave a flotilla on the island from this Friday despite the lack of permission from the coast guard.

In support of your compatriots on the island, dozens of Cubans gathered this Wednesday at the Tropical Park in Miami-Dade, county which unanimously declared on July 11, when protests began on the island, such as “Fatherland and Life / SOS Cuba” day.

“We join with the voices of Miami-Dade County to support the Cuban people who, with great courage, oppose tyranny for the end of 62 years of oppression”Commissioner Rebeca Sosa, who promoted the measure, said Wednesday.

He stressed that the declaration honors the Cuban people who have mobilized in an unprecedented way to demand their freedom and “The end of six decades of repression, tyranny, hunger and failure of communism.”

Meanwhile, the chain CNB indicates that Miami ships plan to sail from Key West, Florida Keys, to international waters off Cuba next Wednesday.

A flotilla of Cuban exiles from Miami who set sail for the coast of Cuba.
A flotilla of Cuban exiles from Miami who set sail for the coast of Cuba.

The Miami local channel said the US Coast Guard has not approved a permit for the trip or will escort the ships, but the institution says the group is free to leave as long as it does not cross Cuban territory. .

Meanwhile, around 150 members of the United States Congress today sent a letter to the leaders of democratic countries asking for their support for the struggle for freedom in Cuba and their support for the Cuban people in its protests.

Members of Congress urge world leaders and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken to denounce Miguel Díaz-Canel’s “dictatorship” through an International Criminal Court.

Likewise, they urge an end to all financial support to the regime, coordinate democratic assistance to defenders of freedoms and restore telecommunications and Internet access on the island.

(With information from EFE)


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