Miami landslide search and rescue speeded up: Storm Elsa is approaching


Search and rescue personnel work in the rubble of the collapsed Champlain Towers South condominium in Surfside, Florida, U.S. July 5, 2021, in this still image obtained from video.  (Courtesy of Miami-Dade Fire Department via REUTERS)
Search and rescue personnel work in the rubble of the collapsed Champlain Towers South condominium in Surfside, Florida, U.S. July 5, 2021, in this still image obtained from video. (Courtesy of Miami-Dade Fire Department via REUTERS)

Search and rescue for victims of Miami condominium collapse accelerates on Tuesday, as a strong tropical storm approached Florida.

Monday, the Rays forced crews to suspend search for victims of Surfside collapse on June 24 and a garage in the rubble was filled with water, authorities said.

Latest forecast showed Tropical Storm Elsa was heading west, mostly without affecting South Florida, but the area near the collapsed building experienced thunderstorms and it was planned another day of unstable weather.

Cape Elsa, according to forecasts from the US National Hurricane Center
Cape Elsa, according to forecasts from the US National Hurricane Center

Delays frustrated rescue teams, said Daniella Levine Cava, mayor of Miami-Dade County.

“They really live to save lives and have evolved no matter what.”he said at a press conference on Monday.

Rescuers were hoping to get a clearer picture of any voids that may exist in the debris (Miami-Dade Fire Department via REUTERS)
Rescuers were hoping to get a clearer picture of any voids that may exist in the debris (Miami-Dade Fire Department via REUTERS)

Even like that, teams received a boost when the unstable remaining part of the southern Champlain towers building collapsed on Sunday. The demolition, sparked by fears the structure might fall, allowed rescuers to enter previously inaccessible places, including rooms where people would have slept at the time of the disaster, authorities said.

Four other victims were discovered, what brought the death toll to 28 people. 117 other people are still missing.

“The site is busier and more active now than I’ve seen it since we started, now that the damaged building has collapsed.”Surfside Mayor Charles Burkett said, adding that heavy equipment could now move freely around the site.

Rescuers were hoping to get a clearer picture of any voids that may exist in the rubble as they searched for someone still trapped under the fallen wing of the building, but found very few gapsMiami-Dade Deputy Fire Chief Raide Jadallah said Monday evening.

Heavy equipment could now move freely on the site.  (Miami-Dade Fire Department via REUTER)
Heavy equipment could now move freely on the site. (Miami-Dade Fire Department via REUTER)

“We continue to focus on our main mission, which is to leave nothing behind and find as many people as possible and help provide answers to family and loved ones or give them closure “Miami Fire Rescue Captain Ignatius Carroll said.

No one has been saved alive since the first hours after the collapse. An Israeli rescuer said the chances of finding survivors were “almost nil”.

The circumstances we have seen are too difficult to say, professionally, that we think we have a good chance of finding someone alive.

“We try to be optimistic but we are also realistic”said Golan Vach, an expert from one of the Israeli teams there.

“The circumstances we have seen are too difficult to say, professionally, that we think we have a good chance of finding someone alive.”added.

Of the 28 deaths, 26 were identified. The latest is the marriage of Ingrid Ainsworth, 66, and Tzvi Ainsworth, 68, who had lived in Australia for 20 years.

Among the missing are dozens of Latin Americans from countries like Argentina, Colombia, Paraguay, Chile and Uruguay.

The causes of the collapse have not yet been determined, but several investigations are underway.

A 2018 report released by city officials revealed fears of “Major structural damage” to the complexFrom the concrete slab under the pool terrace to the columns and beams of the parking lot.

There are also several legal proceedings brought by people seeking redress for damage caused to the neighborhood community.

(With information from AFP and AP)


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