Miami: Liberation of Argentina accused of child pornography trafficking


Argentine Alejandro Ancarola, son of the owner of a nursery in Miami and arrested in a child badgraphy case, regained his freedom on Saturday after paying 10% of a bail bond. $ 75,000.

Ancarola was arrested in late September last month for possession of child badgraphy. This Friday, he was released on bail after a Miami court imposed a $ 75,000 bail, of which he had paid 10%.

Thus, Ancarola, 28, can wait for the judicial process at home, local media reported.

Whatever the case may be, the young Argentinian will have to wear an electronic ankle brace, must be treated for bad offenders and will not be able to go to work or contact minors, including their loved ones.

In addition, the judge determined that there was no Internet service in the family home, where the kindergarten of the Little Seeds Academy was also active.

According to the local television channel CBS Miami, the parents who took responsibility for their son while on probation, they had to close the daycare and waive the license to operate their business.

Ancarola was arrested by the federal forces in Miami-Dade. (Infobae)

Detention and robbery

Ancarola was arrested after raiding a house by Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officers who found images and videos of children subjected to "explicit badual behavior" that were shared via the Internet .

During the operation in the house located southwest of Miami, Florida, computers and cell phones were seized.

Local media showed images of federal and local agents entering and leaving the crèche at home, in front of the astonished eyes of their parents and neighbors.

"You see these people every day, you do not expect that to happen, especially in an institution where there are children," said Zaira Pérez, who had three children in the nursery, at CBS4.

The authorities do not know if the defendant worked in kindergarten or if he only lived there and if children from the center were involved in badgraphic videos.


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