Miami: man wanted to get on plane without mask, grabbed stick and destroyed airport


The Coronavirus pandemic He entered the lives of human beings over a year and a half ago. Although in Argentina quarantine was officially declared on March 19, 2020, the changes in the world began to be felt even before.

In principle, basic rules of coexistence and protection against viruses have been established, such as the use of mask, permanent hand washing, social distancing and use of hydro-alcoholic gel. Almost 18 months later, some countries allow flexibility in protocols and allow new activities, but these simple rules remain in place because they are the only way to prevent new infections and the situation from getting worse.

This is partly what a man did not understand at the airport in the city of Miami in the USA. The man was driving normally and was queuing to board. At that time, local authorities asked him to wear the mask as rules dictate around the world for the duration of the pandemic. Far from understanding it, the man went mad and began to smash everything in his path.

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As soon as he heard the request, the protagonist of this story went viral in the social networks, he started shouting and kicking the tapes indicating the direction of the boarding lane at airports. This violent and strange behavior surprised others in the scene. Some of them took the phone out of their pocket to record everything and then share it on the web.

The first to react on social networks were those in charge of airport security in Yum, who wrote: “We continue to stand firm with Miami-Dade Police to protect the security of all areas of the airport.”

Protocols at airports. (Photo: EFE)For: EFE Services

For their part, local authorities explained the following: “There are over 3,800 reported incidents of rebel behavior in 2021. We do not condone this behavior at MIA. The police intervened and arrested the passenger ”.

On the other hand, Internet users were angry at the delay in the action of the authorities and made comments like this: “A violent anti-masker in Florida near the murder of several people at Miami International Airport last night, all because he didn’t want to wear a mask! Where the hell are the police?

Here’s another take on the violent anti-masking that tried to kill people at the Miami airport last night, all because he didn’t want to wear a mask. Look, he’s come to the door, ”added another user.


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