Miami rescue efforts slow due to build-up of gas and risk of explosion


From a distance it looks like an explosion, but in reality it is a constant cloud of dust. Is the mass of rubble occasionally vomits what looks like smoke, but in reality it is a volatile mixture of material which is removed by cranes and the strong sea wind swirls towards Collins Avenue.

In this hostile climate, like war, and sometimes interrupted by rains and lightning, dozens of rescue teams work in search of survivors among the ruins of the Champlain towers complex which collapsed early Thursday morning.

Near zero point there is rubber and plastic smell, sirens are heard and helicopters fly overhead. The perimeter is cut off, although the curious can access a view of the ruins from the beach.

The tasks are progressing much more slowly than the families of the missing would like. Until last night four people had been confirmed dead and 159 were still missing after the collapse of 55 of the 136 apartments at the Surfside Resort, north of Miami.

Among those of the tower there are 9 Argentines of which there are still no traces. They are Andrés Galfrascoli and his companion Fabián Núñez and their 5-year-old daughter Sofía. Yesterday the identity of another family of compatriots was revealed. Photographer Graciela Cattarossi, her 7-year-old daughter Estela, her sister Andrea, her father and mother, who lived on the 5th floor of the collapsed tower. (See separate).

Rescuers work through the rubble to try to find survivors.  PA

Rescuers work through the rubble to try to find survivors. PA

The area is very popular with the Jewish community and is home to one of the city’s largest synagogues. On a short walk in the area, it is common to see men in kippahs or ultra-Orthodox attire. An Argentinian rabbi described Surfside as a “Villa Crespo”.

As night falls on Friday, a climate of mourning was felt at the beginning of Shabbat. The district also has a Creole character as it is attached to “Little Argentina”, where there are restaurants that sell milanesas and Balcarce or rogel de leche dulce desserts.

A good part of the inhabitants of Champlain are Jews. Among the missing, in addition to the Americans, there are also other Latin Americans from Venezuela, Uruguay and Paraguay. Even the sister of the Paraguayan first lady was in the compound with her family and there is still no news from her. Also uncle of the former president of Chile, Michelle Bachelet and his wife.

The victims’ family reunification center, which was originally set up in a community center and assists relatives, has now been moved to a more comfortable hotel 6 blocks from the collapse. This Friday, a huge bus was seen in which relatives and several patrol cars were transferred in front of the Grand Beach Hotel, the new headquarters. This is a sign that the wait may be long.

Despite the fact that rescuers use sophisticated technologies such as infrared sensors, sound sensors, drones and small cameras to track signs of life, the rescue is progressing slowly for several reasons.

First because of the characteristics of the collapse. The floors were crushed against each other without leaving too much space for the air gaps, experts say. Any material they move can be dangerous. In addition, the rain during these hours could have filled the “saving” spaces for the victims with water.

Third, there is a risk of explosion due to gas buildup, short circuits, or cars left in the garage with a full tank of fuel. In fact, there was a gas explosion last night and the rescue was suspended for a few hours until they control it. Wind and dust eddies also complicate.

Only one of the deceased was identified yesterday. This is the mother of the 15-year-old boy rescued Thursday, who died in hospital. Other bodies were carried in yellow bags and evacuated so that the police can confirm their identity and inform their family members.

Exterior view of today's partially collapsed 12-story building near 88th Street and Collins Avenue in the town of Surfside, north of Miami Beach, Florida, USA.  EFE

Exterior view of today’s partially collapsed 12-story building near 88th Street and Collins Avenue in the town of Surfside, north of Miami Beach, Florida, USA. EFE

President Joe Biden delivered a message of condolence. “It’s a very, very difficult time. There are so many people waiting, are they alive, what’s going to happen? “He said at a White House event. “We are therefore wholeheartedly with them”, he claimed. Previously, he declared a state of emergency to provide federal assistance for relief operations and the resettlement of survivors.

Authorities “are still hoping to find people alive,” they say. First responders “are very motivated by the prospect of finding people. We have to force them to do their rotations, ”he said.

During, we do not yet know what caused the collapse. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has called for the causes to be clarified “without delay.” “We need a definitive explanation of how this could have happened,” he said. “I think it is important that it be without delay,” he added.

As it was built in the 1980s, the Champlain Towers were scheduled to be recertified this year under Miami-Dade County safety regulations, and repairs were underway on its roof as part of that process.

But nor we still know if these reforms caused the collapse. The question of why is essential to establish responsibilities and so that the tragedy does not repeat itself. But for family members shrouded in anguish, it is urgent today to save all traces of life from the rubble.


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