Mica Viciconte exploded against Nicole Neumann: "Heal your heart" – 24/07/2018


Since he became an " incorrect " (America, at 17:15), as a panelist of the driving program Moria Casan Mica Viciconte no Nothing is saved. In fact, he uses his space in the evening cycle to respond to Nicole Neumann in this media roundtrip that began after a leak of WhatsApp in which the model and now Conductor has recriminated things to his ex-husband, Fabián Cubero .

  Mica Viciconte answered Nicole Neumann in

Mica Viciconte answered Nicole Neumann in "Incorrectas" (America).

Yesterday, Mica was released to cross this controversial audio that was revealed in Intruders (America, at 13). Nicole, in the middle, spoke again and won the audio in which she stated that since she separated from her, the # Cubero's exposure in the media gave him "embarrbadment". 19659006] Mica Viciconte replied to Nicole Neumann for audio against Fabián Cubero "src =" https://images.clarin.com/collections/static/lazy_square.svg "data-big =" https: // images .clarin.com / 2018/07/22 / HkiqHAXV7_290x290__1.jpg "data-small =" https://images.clarin.com/2018/07/22/HkiqHAXV7_110x110__1.jpg "observe =" "data-observer-function = "loadLazyImg" />

"I do not get angry, it gives me nothing, more than abroad embarrbaded to be your ex because of the role you play.It's decadent", Is it heard in the audio that he sent to his ex, Neumann said today: "Things I think are good will continue to be said, of course. What he did not know was that he was to form a community group to discuss with him things of everyday life .I did not screen and we did not So-called planes and me, so-called "ironically".

Viciconte, Logic, came back to defend her partner and, Again, disagree with the model's statements, she clarified: " Today, she said that I've filled the girls' heads, I'm not involved in that .I do not talk about her, I do not care about her or I devote myself to that. "And she stressed:" I do not have anything against it, really. "

However, the former Combate is tired of keeping his opinions more visceral and taking advantage of the fact. opportunity to advise Nicole: " I tell her to heal her heart.There is no need to be angry or envious. She has her career and is very cute. think of being happy and leaving others free. "

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