Michael Moore more controversial than ever: asked Joe Biden to expropriate Pfizer’s vaccine plant


Filmmaker Michael moore is considered one of the most engaged and controversial directors of United States. He was a fervent critic of Donald trump these last four years and its documentaries tend to reflect, with a marked ideological position, the less visible and the most controversial situations of the “American dream”. This Sunday, on his Twitter account, he sent a strong message to Joe biden To fight the pandemic: The president, he said, must expropriate the coronavirus vaccine plant from the Pfizer laboratory in the city of Kalamazoo, Michigan.

And it went even further: the White House must send the troops now.

The author of “Bowling for Columbine”, more controversial than ever (Photo: AFP).

What the message says

Moore’s tweet, author of memorable documentaries such as Bowling for Columbine, Sicko and more recently Michael Moore on Trumpland, Among other things, he was explicit in his message to Biden: “The law allows the president to expropriate a factory for the security of the country. When will President Biden take over the vaccine plant from Covid Pfizer in Kalamazoo and will it start working 24/7? Asked the director and writer of the documentary.

And he added: Hundreds of thousands have died. Send troops to Kalamazoo. “The message is accompanied by a map of the area where the plant is located.

What is happening with the pandemic

Moore’s claim, who has always fought Republican governments and supported Democratic administrations, is known amid a difficult epidemiological situation in the USA. The country has passed 26 million cases, with 438,239 deaths, since the start of the pandemic.

Michael Moore, cineasta

Hundreds of thousands have died. Send troops to Kalamazoo

In recent days, the first four cases of the South African variant of COVID-19 have been announced in the states of Maryland and South Carolina. Meanwhile, the British strain has already been reported in eight states. Both are considered to be much more contagious than the traditional variant. Health officials estimate that only about 1.3 percent of the population has been vaccinated with the two doses of some of the vaccines available so far.

The vaccination plan

The US government has announced that it will purchase 200 million additional doses of covid-19 vaccine from North American laboratories Pfizer and Moderna to speed up the vaccination campaign in the country. So, hopes to vaccinate 300 million people by the summer.

It is estimated that one million doses are currently applied per day.

Biden has already received both doses of Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine. When the first was implemented on December 21, almost a month before assuming the presidency, he said there was nonothing to fearAbout the vaccine.


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