Michelle Bachelet demanded that Daniel Ortega’s dictatorship release all jailed presidential candidates and allow them to participate in the elections


Michelle Bachelet updated her report on the crisis in Nicaragua
Michelle Bachelet updated her report on the crisis in Nicaragua

The United Nations (UN) analyzed on Tuesday the human rights violations in Nicaragua, under the regime of Daniel Ortega. During the session of the Human Rights Council, the High Commissioner, Michelle bachelet, provided updates on their previous country reports.

In his speech, Bachelet demanded that Daniel Ortega’s dictatorship release all jailed presidential candidates and allow them to participate in elections.

“Since my last report on February 23, my office has seen a worrying deterioration in human rights, which remove the possibility of being able to choose freely during the elections ”, declared the Chilean diplomat.

Unfortunately, almost all of the recommendations made by my office have not been followed. The crisis has worsened alarmingly», He underlined.

Then he recalled that the Police have detained several members of the opposition in recent weeks: “Five candidates and other opponents detained without sufficient convincing evidence», He indicated.

I call on the government for urgent change, which implies the immediate release of detainees and the repeal of legislation which restricts democratic space. I reiterate that it is urgent that the return of my office in Nicaragua be authorized, ”he exclaimed.

Daniel Ortega (c), with his wife, Vice-President Rosario Murillo (i).  EFE / Jorge Torre / Archives
Daniel Ortega (c), with his wife, Vice-President Rosario Murillo (i). EFE / Jorge Torre / Archives

Bachelet also expressed that he is concerned “the situation of women and the elderly deprived of their libertyAnd mentioned the two laws that the Ortega dictatorship recently approved: the law against money laundering and the financing of terrorism and the law for the defense of sovereignty.

My office had previously warned that these laws could be used to persecute opponents, as is the case. This situation would prevent them from competing in legislative elections, restricting their political rights and those of citizens, ”he stressed.

The former president of Chile said that the Ortega regime “ignores the demands of the international community“And that their actions”limit the rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly”.

“Since the second half of April, my office has recorded an escalation of selective persecution against opponents and human rights defenders and harassment against independent media“He continued; saying that”actions, taken as a whole, generate a climate of fear”.

Finally, he said that “reports of armed attacks against indigenous communities have continued” and that “unfortunately the government is still not responding to communications sent” from his office.

Cristiana Chamorro, Arturo Cruz, Miguel Mora, Félix Maradiaga and Juan Sebastián Chamorro, the presidential candidates arrested
Cristiana Chamorro, Arturo Cruz, Miguel Mora, Félix Maradiaga and Juan Sebastián Chamorro, the presidential candidates arrested

Before Bachelet’s intervention, 59 countries signed a joint declaration in which the violation of human rights in Nicaragua was condemned and the dictatorship led by Daniel Ortega was urged to guarantee free elections and immediately release the presidential candidates arrested in recent days by the regime he commands. Mexico and Argentina – who called their ambassadors yesterday for consultations – did not sign the declaration.

We share the concerns of the High Commissioner in Nicaragua, including the continued impunity for human rights violations since April 2018 and the continued reports of arbitrary detentions.. The government must ensure the protection of human rights and hold those responsible to account. We urge the government to end the harassment of journalists and human rights defenders and to allow civil society organizations to operate in safe and conducive environments, without fear of reprisal, ”states the declaration signed by the 59 democracies .

Among the nations that have signed are: Albania, Germany, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Greece, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Marshall Islands, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand , North Macedonia, Norway, Panama, Palau, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, South Korea, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Great Britain and United States.

The joint statement continued: “We are concerned that the government has not implemented significant electoral reforms before the May 2021 deadline set by the Organization of American States (OAS) and approved by this Council. in March. We are deeply concerned that recently enacted laws unduly restrict political participation, freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and association. Of particular concern are the arbitrary dissolution of political parties and the criminal prosecution of several presidential candidates and dissidents. We demand his immediate release ”.

“These measures are likely to prevent the holding of free and fair elections in Nicaragua in November. We urge Nicaragua to engage with the international community, take advantage of technical assistance, allow the presence of international election observers, restore dialogue and renew confidence in democracy. Nicaraguans deserve free and fair elections thanks to a transparent and credible process, and a peaceful solution to the country’s socio-political crisis”, Concluded the document.

Washington celebrated this proclamation. Julie chang, Secretary of Hemispheric Affairs to the North American Secretary of State, said of the declaration: “59 countries signed the declaration today, demanding free and fair elections in Nicaragua and the immediate release of presidential candidates. The international choir that condemns the actions of Ortega and Murillo is intensifying every day“.

Nicaraguan National Police officers (REUTERS / Carlos Herrera)
Nicaraguan National Police officers (REUTERS / Carlos Herrera)

The situation in Nicaragua

Nicaraguan police detain five opposition presidential candidates: Cristiana Chamorro, Arturo Cruz, Félix Maradiaga, Juan Sebastián Chamorro and Miguel Mora, which he accuses of “treason”.

In all cases, police said they were under investigation for allegedly “commit acts that undermine independence, sovereignty and self-determination, incite foreign interference in internal affairs and call for military intervention”.

They are also accused of “organize with funding from foreign powers to commit acts of terrorism and destabilization, propose and manage economic, commercial and financial blockade operations against the country and its institutions”.

In addition, former deputy foreign ministers, former dissident Sandinista guerrillas, a former business leader, a banker, activists and two former NGO staff are being detained.

Ortega regime forces also raided the home of the Nicaraguan journalist Carlos Fernando Chamorro, awarded at the 38 Ortega y Gasset Journalism Awards.

Arrests of opponents they have less than five months for the legislative elections of Nicaragua, to be held on November 7, during which Ortega, in power since 2007, is seeking a new re-election.

The groups to which the detainees belong, as well as their lawyers, agreed that the arrests of the last few weeks are illegal because they were executed without a warrant, and violate human rights because in most cases those captured were no longer heard.

In the next elections, Ortega will play 42 years of almost total primacy over Nicaraguan politics.


59 countries backed UN declaration demanding free elections and the release of presidential candidates in Nicaragua
The Ortega regime’s offensive against the opposition continues: former first lady and journalist joins list of detainees

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