Mick Jagger thanks everything except England: went to see his team and was out of the world


The curse hanging over Mick Jagger's back is not broken. The leader of the Rolling Stones was to cheer the England team but all went wrong: they lost to Croatia (after winning the game 1 to 0) and were eliminated from Russia in 2018 in the semifinals. But this is not the first time that the musician swells for a team that will lose later … and in the networks already call it "mufa".

If you make a small criticism, the file is not your favor At this World Cup, the artist infiltrated the match between France and Belgium to cheer the Belgian team . Accompanied by his children, he could not appreciate the result: the French clbad.

In social networks, they did not take long to remember. At the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, Jagger went to Brazil for his match against Germany. And not only witnessed his defeat but it was one of the blackest chapters of the local team: lost 7-1 .

Something similar happened at the World Cup in South Africa 2010. On this occasion, the group's leader was twice in the gallery and both fell into the Forgetting . When he went to cheer his national team against Germany, he took the bitter shot of a 1-4. And when he tried to support the United States against Ghana, Americans lost 1-2.

If you look back a bit, at the 1998 World Cup in France he regretted going to court . At the crossroads between England and Argentina, the artist witnessed the victory of Daniel Pbadarella on penalties.

With such a track record, social network users took the opportunity to thank them and recommend that, if he wants England not to suffer, he would leave the field for some time.

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