Microblading: to follow the trend, ended by four eyebrows


The microblading It's a trend of semi-permanent makeup to have perfect eyebrows. As it has become fashionable, we must take into account the recommendations so that the procedure runs smoothly.

L & # 39; American Jami Ledbetter received a gift from his daughters coupon with an offer to perform a microblading. After undergoing the beauty session, something went wrong and eventually distorted, with four eyebrows. The woman told local media: "I do not wish my worst enemy, what I have done to my trust in me is terrible."

The beautician who applied the treatment He badured her that she was certified for the task. However, later Ledbetter has learned that microblading is neither regulated nor controlled in the state of Missouri.

"J & # 39; was devastated. I even went out with someone and he stopped going out with me at that time, "said Jami, in addition to expressing that he was so embarrbaded by his appearance that" I'm not sure what to do. " he only left his house to go to work and shop, he tried to camouflage them with makeup, but it did not work. a tattooist who started to solve the problem. How With a system called Li-ft remove badly located hairs. To do this, you need multiple sessions and the total process will cost you at least a thousand dollars.

Through her story, the woman is waiting alert and raise awareness of care what you need to have during a beauty practice. The essential is to make sure to put in the hands of a professional.

How microblading works

It's a technique to increase the density of the eyebrows, so that they look more "populated" or with more color. Fast results are promised. Microblading works hair after hair to get natural and perfect eyebrows.

The treatment is usually done in about an hour. In comparison with the micropigmentationthose who prefer microblading make sure it is faster. As for pain, one experiences something similar to hair removal.


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