Microsoft joins Google and breaks relations with Chinese Huawei


Huawei It is mainly recognized by their smartphones. In fact, it is the second largest seller of smartphones, behind Samsung and Apple. Did you know that this company of Chinese origin also sells notebooks?

This market participation is also failing, now that Microsoft joins the list of US technologies, including Google, which break the relationship with the Chinese brand.

Windows owners temporarily suspended Your Huawei collaboration, reports the website MSPowerUser.

Specifically, Microsoft ceases to accept Windows license orders from the Chinese brand. At this point, it should be recalled that computers Huawei's Matebook works with Windows 10. The equipment of the range has already been removed from stores in China.

Huawei Matebooks work with Windows 10 (Image: AFP).
Huawei Matebooks work with Windows 10 (Image: AFP).

The source, which points to the temporary nature of the measure, indicates that the current teams are not engaged in their updates, although the decision has an impact on future devices with this option. software.

Details of the confrontation

Microsoft's decision adds a new chapter to recrudecida Commercial war between the United States and China.

Recently, Donald Trump announced that US groups will not be able to trade in telecommunications with foreign companies considered "dangerous" for national security. This decision was aimed in particular Huawei, accused of espionage several times.

The first cimbronazo after the announcement of Trump was caused by Google. The technology giant announced that Huawei would not be able to access Android updates, the operating system used by all brand phones. Thus, I would have also banned the use of very popular applications, such as YouTube or Gmail.

Later, they told Google that China would have a "grace period" of three months. Meanwhile, rumors are circulating about a Huawei mobile operating system that, if it was confirmed, would mark a new stage in the industry.

Other US-based companies, such as ARM and Toshiba, have announced steps in this direction. In this context, Trump paved the way for a possible deal that would curb this trade confrontation. It is expected to be completed by the end of June.


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