Middle East violence escalates: three rockets fired from Lebanon into Israel


At least three rockets were launched on Thursday from southern Lebanon towards Israel, said a Lebanese military source quoted by the AFP. The origin of the shots is still unknown. However, sources close to the Lebanese Shiite movement Hezbollah they said that this Lebanese armed group was not involved in the plans.

The attack comes at a time of deep tension in the Middle East following the launching of hundreds of missiles from the Gaza Strip into Israel and the Israeli bombardment of Palestinian territory.

The IDF confirmed the shots, but claimed the rockets landed in the Mediterranean Sea.

Another Lebanese military source, contacted by EFE, he said that rockets were between three and four and he said that the Lebanese army units went to the area where the attack was carried out.

Israeli artillery on the border with Gaza (Photo EFE / EPA / ATEF SAFADI)
For: EFE Services

He said those responsible for the shooting were held in the city of Tire, in southern Lebanon.

What the Israeli army said

For its part, the Israeli army confirmed in a message that “three rockets were launched from Lebanon towards the Mediterranean Sea off the Galilee”, but did not identify the perpetrators of the attack.

No armed group claimed responsibility for the attack.

Lebanon and Israel do not maintain diplomatic relations and have not formally established a permanent ceasefire.

The attack in southern Lebanon coincides with the worst escalation of violence in the past seven years between Palestinians and Israelis.

The death toll from the clashes has exceeded 100 in the Gaza Strip, Palestinian authorities said Thursday. The health ministry in this Palestinian enclave has recorded 103 deaths, including 27 children and 580 injured since the start of the clashes. On the Israeli side, fire from Gaza left at least seven dead and dozens injured.

Lebanon and Israel

The reaction of the UN and Washington

In addition, the United States declared Thursday “deeply concerned about the violence in the streets of Israel”, where clashes took place between Jews and Arabs within the framework of the new conflict between Hamas and the State of Israel.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Jews and Palestinians “deserve to participate without fear of violence in the upcoming celebrations” linked to the end of Ramadan for Muslims and the Jewish holiday of Shavuot.

In the same vein, the UN peacekeeping mission in Lebanon on Thursday called for “maximum restraint” and cooperation to avoid a “further escalation” of the war after the missiles were launched. .

“Regarding the alleged rocket attacks from Lebanon into Israel, the Head of Mission and Force Commander of UNIFIL, Major General Stefano Del Col, is in contact with both sides to demand the utmost restraint. and cooperate to avoid further escalation, “said a statement from this mission. .


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