Migration official used Alfredo Casero’s flank metaphor to criticize people stranded in Cancun


The migration manager, Florence carignano, again referred to Argentines stranded abroad or at border crossings without being able to return to the country and launched criticism against those who went on vacation amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The official used a metaphor that Alfredo Casero used in 2018 to criticize Kirchnerism and defend the government of Mauricio Macri. The “we want flan” went viral around this time and caused countless reactions.

“It’s not about empathy. It seems perfect that they are dating, but “I left, I put it in the bank”. It is not forbidden to leave the country, they did not do anything that did not correspond. Now, later, what is not appropriate is to say “I want to go back” when the country has made a decision which is to protect the 40 million inhabitants “, accused Carignano.

Then, he laughed at responding to the demand of those stranded who want to return to Argentina: “Now it’s’ I want custard, I want custard, I want custard. Well you know what? At this time, you will not be able to eat flan. You are going to eat it in two weeks when the State considers that we have the time and the place to bring you from a very complicated sanitary place. “

“These people who went to find their dream in Cancun, I could have looked for it when the pandemic was over. Cancun was going to exist no matter if they went now or next year, “the official said in dialogue with Futurock.

Obviously angry with the situation, she spoke of the border closures: “There are people who are not doing anything right. If we close because we close and if we don’t close, why don’t we close.”

Focusing on those who traveled to Cancun on vacation, he noted that they had taken an attitude “irresponsible” because “they put all of Argentina in danger of introducing a strain that can complicate us so as to blow up the health system”.

He also ruled that “any rational person should think that border closures can happen in a pandemic” and said: “Now was not the time to go on vacation because Cancun is in collapse.”

Carignano insisted on the “responsibility” that society must have in these times of pandemic and gave as an example a personal situation he experienced with one of his pregnant cousins.

I pulled her out of the plane’s hair that he was going to Cancun. “Cancel this trip now,” I told him. Half the family hated me who thought I had ruined their vacation, but a week later they called me and said ‘you’re right’, ”he revealed.

In this regard, he concluded: “We all have to do this job. If we are to continue all the activities that we have done through the protocols, we must all be accountable. The state can’t run your life, it is in the responsibility of each one ”.

Stranded in Heaven: Pablo Villar, Jésica Santillán, Edgardo Lopez, Edgar Baudino, Roberto Berais, Leandro Am and Hernán Tordeti.

Stranded in Heaven: Pablo Villar, Jésica Santillán, Edgardo Lopez, Edgar Baudino, Roberto Berais, Leandro Am and Hernán Tordeti.

As of Monday, the borders have been closed to anyone who wants to enter the country from neighboring countries such as Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Peru and Colombia.

Therefore, Aerolineas Argentinas reported that until April 9, operations to these destinations have been canceled in order to move passengers to bring them into the country. Some 27,000 Argentinian tourists are abroad and are due to return.

However, at border crossing points, there were situations where people arrived by land to seek entry and were stranded there.

The director of migration clarified that “there will be no return flights and people are going to have to pay their plane tickets because anyone who’s gone into a pandemic knew it was going to happen. “

Florence Carignano and Wado de Pedro.  Photo Ministry of the Interior

Florence Carignano and Wado de Pedro. Photo Ministry of the Interior

Foreign Minister Felipe Solá had said the national government advised against “people leaving” outside the country and argued that “the problem is not to leave” but to “come back” because of the evolution of the epidemiological situation. the Official Journal last Friday.

The government has also announced that there is community circulation in the country of the Manaus coronavirus variant, which has put Brazil in check. Thanks to a statement, the detection of cases in the city of Buenos Aires without an epidemiological link or close contact with travelers has been confirmed.

The report also warned that community-based infections were first detected in the California variant AMBA (CAL.20C). In this way, the variants detected in Argentina are four, since the UK’s 501Y.V1 and Rio de Janeiro’s P.2 were also found. In the case of the latter two, we already knew their local distribution.


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