Migrations did not affect officials who let in two Iranians


Iranians are currently detained in federal police offices and are reported today in the federal courts of Comodoro Py.

Migration attributed the possibility that Iranians could have entered the country errors of "supervisory staff" who did not follow the "protocol" provided for two years for allegedly irregular situations.

The text of the declaration is as follows:

"Given the spread of two Iranians with false Israeli pbadports last Tuesday by Ezeiza, who were later arrested, the National Directorate of Migration reported that the Integrated Immigration Capture System (SICAM) was working properly when both transits took place. it is used in the control of the entrances and exits of the territory, in the same way as the interpol I-24/7 system which alerted any stolen / lost documents and the prior information system. pbadengers (API), which has detected inconsistencies between pbadengers boarded in Spain and those who landed in Ezeiza"

Add the DNM that "unfortunately, the surveillance personnel who were to authorize the entry of two foreigners did not adequately verify the information at their disposal, especially when there is also a protocol providing for such cases to prevent Staff Beware of this type of alerts, especially when they involve pbadports of certain nationalities, including Israel, as frauds have been detected with this document."

Add migrations that "95% of similar cases, which are tens of thousands, refer to a loss or theft that is corrected with a new pbadport that extends to the person who travels to the country where it is documented"

"Detected the situation, in parallel he continued with other cases of investigation, especially with Israel (to have the pbadports this nationality, where they were registered as "stolen") and with Spain , from where they came before arriving at the international airport", says the controller's office.

Add this "After identifying the errors committed by the two officials, they were immediately suspended from their duties and an administrative procedure was launched to determine the corresponding responsibilities."

He explains, however, that "This human error occurs in a context of integration and improvement of technology through the online systems and information implemented by the agency over the past three years because it would have been very difficult to detect the irregularity before the government of President Mauricio Macri. Now it was possible to relieve human error and correct it. The suspects were identified and Migrations collaborated in the arrests."

Migrations argue that the national state "work based on a safer system involving complementarity with justice, security forces and intelligence services in different countries"

"Last year, according to Migraciones, the country had more than 73 million revenues and expenses – among foreigners and Argentineans – via the Sicam, a platform of convergence of the register of aptitude to l & # 39; 39, immigration (with warrants). prohibitions of entry and exit of the country), the I24-7 alert protocol (connected to Interpol International whose head office is in Lyon and which has all the global registers of restrictions); the API (Advance Pbadenger Information), which consists of a list of pbadengers and crew provided by international airlines and cruise ships at the time of each flight or departure of each ship; the Migration Database, the Renaper Archive and the National Registry of Recidivism of Argentina"


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