Miguel Ángel Pichetto, about the pact with Iran: "It was a political error of Cristina Kirchner, not a crime"


The candidate for the vice-presidency of the official formula, Miguel Ángel Pichetto, said that the memorandum with Iran regarding the case AMIA It was "a political mistake" but what "It was not a crime." With these words, he took the responsibility of Cristina Kirchner.

The former head of the Peronist Senate headquarters did self-criticism at an exhibition at the DAIA in front of leaders and representatives of the Jewish community. In this context, Thursday afternoon, he said that accompany this project to Congress "It was a big mistake "and he maintained:" I'm taking care of that"However, he admitted that he had to approve it for" a matter of party discipline ".

A few days after the 25th anniversary of the AMIA bombing, Mauricio Macri's Vice President said Cristina Kirchner's determination to push forward a pact with ISIS was "in line with unlock the criminal investigation"

In addition, he said that "the ideal is now to advance the trial law in absentia" that allows to find progress in the investigation. And he also pointed out that the trial in absentia is "an essential tool for prevent this type of events from going unpunished"

The candidate has also written a few words for the elections. "We must put an end to authoritarian policies of the past since it would be to return to a more closed country and in an important isolation like the case of Venezuela ", affirmed before which they will be the PASS of August 11th.

During the visit that Mr. Pichetto made to the DAIA, he was accompanied by the president of the entity, Jorge Knoblovits, with whom he had had different positions when signing the 2013 agreement protocol. confronting the Jewish leaders of the time with the former president.

Knoblovits read a letter sent by Pope Francis to accompany the Jewish community and the Argentineans on the anniversary of the AMIA bombing, in which he said he and God were with them.


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