Miguel Ángel Pichetto: The election of Alberto Fernández was a tactical turn of Cristina Kirchner


August 05, 2019
– 22:08

Mauricio Macri's partner in Together for Change, on the eve of PASO, tackled several topics in a TV interview.

Michelangelo Pichetto, In the countdown to STEP and in the middle of the election campaign, he went through several subjects and even dared to talk about his main electoral rival.

"The lesson of Alberto was a tactical turn of Cristina," said Pichetto.

Mauricio Macri's partner in Together for Change also referred to the previous direction in an interview with TN signal.

"Investors were worried about returning to the past," Pichetto said.

"We say a lot of nonsense when we are far from power," he added.

He also brought his point of view on the economic news. "The government is strong in the economy," he said.


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For its part, the complete formula of Macri and Pichetto He will appear in public at the final closing of the campaign scheduled for Thursday at 18:30 in the Asturian center of Vicente López, where they will share the stage with the governor of Buenos Aires, Maria Eugenia Vidal.

In order to reinforce the Peronist vote, Pichetto will inaugurate a local Peronist republic in the Cordoba capital.

Before being with the Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Luis Echevehere, and the head of the deputies of Cambiemos, Mario Negri, in the act in a factory in a first delivery of beef in Japan then he will talk with Negri in the Law Faculty of the National University of Córdoba.


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