Miguel Ángel Pichetto: "There is a process of destabilization in Latin America with an interference between Venezuela and Cuba"


The Vice-President candidate for the Front Together for Change, Michelangelo Pichetto, referred to crisis political and social in Chile and assured that there is a "destabilization process in Latin America"who linked her to a supposed "Cuban Venezuelan interference".

"There is a set of events that have an axis, namely the destabilization of Latin American countries. It seems that there is Venezuelan Cuban interference. There is a process of destabilization. We must also carefully follow some speeches by (Diosdado) Cabello and (Nicolás) Maduro in Venezuela. They make us think about a channel and an organized event, "he said during a dialogue with Miter radio.

The violent clashes in Santiago de Chile and other parts of the neighboring country have so far left a balance of 15 dead and 1500 injured. The demonstrations began following the latest increase in the metro ticket, which caused widespread discontent, which resulted in massive mobilization, looting in supermarkets and the decision of the government of Sebastián Piñera to maintain the decree of urgency.

One of the images of violent clashes in Santiago. Credits: AFP.
One of the images of violent clashes in Santiago. Credits: AFP.

In this regard, the vice presidential candidate said that there was a "Cuban tufillo in Argentina"who asked to" follow closely "because they could generate situations of tension.

On the other hand, the leader of the ruling party he seemed to be indirectly questioning Alberto Fernández making sure that there are facts requiring a political definition of presidential candidates that is categorical in the face of this process of dictatorship (for Cuba) ".

Santiago and most of Chile's 16 regions are in a state of emergency and 10,000 military and police are organizing violent demonstrations that could escalate, such as the Unitary Workers' Union (CUT), Chile's most powerful trade union, and 18 other organizations. social they called strikes and mobilizations for Wednesday and Thursday in the capital of this country.


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